D2R command line arguments?

is there any way to skip intro movies and go directly to battlenet? such as -skiptobnet

Not that I have found. Watching all that fluff load every time is painful!


There is a place for command line arguments in the bnet launcher. Unfortunately, it does nothing lol.

That’s not true. It is functional.
As of last night, I now know of two (previously unknown by me) arguments that work for offline mode (only).

‘-enablerespec’ grants unlimited, free respecs, right from level 1.
‘-players X’ sets the playersX command automatically (where X= 1-8) without you having to set it manually every time you start a game.

And, also, ‘-direct’, ‘-txt’, and ‘-mod’ work for modding (txt editing only) purposes.

I did not know about this. My LK runs are going to be much less annoying moving forward.

I was speaking specifically about -skiptobnet as the OP asked about.

Whoops. Busted.
I can’t even see who the OP is, much less their exact question.

Not to resurrect a super old thread, but you can use -launch -username -password -address <bnet address; us.actual.battle. net; eu.actual.battle. net, don’t know asia’s) in a shortcut of d2r.exe and it will skip everything and go straight to the server specified in the command line.