D2JSP story, simple one

Regardless of what jsp started out as, that’s not what it is today nor has it been for over a decade now.

The only pity is d2jsp hasmt modernized itself
Wish it was smthg like POD or PD2 tradesite with FG

What do you mean? I rather have 500 more trash scam sites selling runes in bundles for 100+ and enigmas for whatever, than (STILL) having this FraudGold in place with no reset and people joining trade games with " :clown_face: Hey you fool JSP says this item goes for 1 Gul not a Vex just letting you know “insert another insult” :clown_face: " .

You’re mad people joined your game and called you cheap? You’d be less cheap if you knew how to trade efficiently by using JSP. You’d also learn that sitting in a P1 hell game barely being able to beat the den of evil 6 months into ladder is a sign of poor gameplay.

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What you were trying to sell isn’t worth what you are asking. You should feel grateful that a JSP’er entered your game and educated you on this value of the item.

Once again, you are simply reinforcing the fact that JSP is beneficial to all D2 players as a whole.

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Good post OP thanks
20 char

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