D2jsp needs to go

leeching groups??? LOOOOOOLLLL. that qualifies as about half the baal runs ive been in lately. and i am unaffiliated.

Whether it’s mf or leeching, the groups are semi-private since only those that browse jsp forums have the pw. Hate all you want, but the speed and consistency using the game lobby can’t even compare.

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Yes, it is true that the Admins on JSP have been botting for years on D2 LoD to gain all the forum gold they have. But even the ones with 20k and 30k or more seem to be afraid to spend it because some High Runes were 5,000 FG early on.

On the Diablo 2R Reddit, there have already been multiple players who admitted they bought Forum Gold for real money on JSP to get ahead. Or specifically the guy who wasted his 2 Ber messing up Infinity admitted he ran off and used his wallet to pay for his mistake.

JSP severely hurts the Diablo 2 Resurrected Economy. But unfortunately it only gained More Users when D2R came out as people were unaware of their choices. It is up to the Players to not use it.

There are real fair choices out there. Find the Diablo 2 Resurrected Reddit, it links to the Sanctuary Trading Discord. I feel like that is really the best place, it is so easy to search for items and specific stats if people listed them.

You’re dead wrong. What d2jsp actually does is fulfill a very badly needed niche by providing an independent currency that does not fluctuate in value like diablo 2 items do. The number of people on d2jsp actually engaging in RMT is very small, like maybe 5%. But guess what, if I find a ber rune early in ladder, I should be rewarded for what it’s actually worth at that time rather than being forced to hold onto the item and watching it depreciate. It’s silly.

The people complaining about it are just a bunch of snowflakes who can’t handle the fact that some people put in more time and effort to accrue more wealth than they did. Big deal. Just like in real life with the snowflakes that want to switch to communism because they can’t handle that someone else worked harder than they did and bought a nice house. Disgusting.

If d2jsp didn’t exist, the people engaging in RMT would just use item sites to buy the items directly with cash from chinese and Taiwanese farmers instead of using forum gold. JSP is a huge win to 95% of the playerbase that don’t engage in RMT. Removing JSP just means that some chinese farmers will be a lot richer, while the average player loses a vital trading forum that has no equal in terms of efficiency.


When will you people ever get it? 99.99999% of all jsp trades do not carry any money transactions whatsoever. The majority of trades are moneyless. Blizzard also directly supports 3rd party website usage in its verbage.

diablo 2 is probably one of the SMALLEST audiences jsp holds trades for, even though it was started for it, just so ya know.

also, personal loot and playerx online would bust the game. you have about the same quality of ideas the devs of WoW did since cataclysm - sure to ruin the game.

As a side note, they could literally move the ENTIRE functionality of jsp to a discord server, since discord supports every function it has. Would u go after discord? It’s a place to trade. Grow up.

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What wrong with using Ebay for same purpose? (pricing)

While I do agree that d2jsp is dogsheet I strongly disagree that personal loot and playersX would bring anything positive to the game. PlayersX is meant for single player because trading is not an option.

Personal loot - well, play solo. You’re like everyone else looking for shortcuts to get loot faster. Do split magic find games. They exist and are not hard to find.

They can use real money… that doesn’t stop you from being able to do the same thing. It’s equal opportunity. Complaining about JSP is like complaining someone else can eat a donut but you can’t because you’re diabetic… you aren’t restricted in using the site, plus EVERY SINGLE multiplayer game has some sort of pay 2 win. Buy gear? Runs? Rushes? Rating? All games have it…

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if you are talking to me i wasnt hating on anyone. i would rate my response to this behavior no higher than mild amusement. actually i prefer the kind of behavior that you described because the 'leechor" and the “leechee” have come to some kind of a mutual arrangement whereas i am disgusted with the behavior of leeches in random baal runs that i enter. i have dropped out of games where 6 people sit in harrogath expecting one or 2 players to clear the throne for them. its crap.

I think delusional purist need to understand that mods kept this game alive no one has given a damn about d2 in over a decade we have all been playing mods with out that b.s. website! Maybe just maybe purist scum like your self can’t handle a legit ladder reset it’s why you hide in a 20 year old dead game and are shocked that everyone quit when 0 changes were announced! Shocking the game has life with the mere mention of balance and new rune words! D2jsp didn’t do squat for This game the Moda over the past decade did! A hard scaling end game where you earn items is not something purist wanted you need a cookie cutter website for each ladder refresh!

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I have been using discord to trade! Called “The Chaos Sanctuary”
Works well, item for item trades only. Obviously will reset with ladder. Simply not using d2jsp is a good way to kill d2jsp.

Filthy botters and dupers anyway, wouldn’t trust anything that comes form that site.

It’s a shame you chopped your arguments legs off in the 2nd sentence by demonstrating such a fundamental misunderstanding of basic concepts like value. Forum gold can be used to buy D2 items. D2 items fluctuate in value. Therefore forum gold fluctuates in value.

Not really sure why you’re bringing up eBay :thinking: My point had nothing to do with buying/selling. It had everything to do with other uses that aren’t talked about by those who complain about jsp.

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I guess I misunderstood your post.

Forum Gold is consistent and only gains purchasing power over time. The opposite is true for d2 items, unless it’s a GG godly once in a lifetime find rare. Thanks for proving my point even more for me.

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It doesn’t fluctuate, it’s consistent. But it definitely gains and loses purchasing power based on the ladder. But it definitely, definitely doesn’t fluctuate. It also is constantly being created when people pay money to generate it, and rarely ever does it get taken out of circulation, like a money printer that’s always on. But that wouldn’t cause it to decrease in value due to inflation… it definitely, definitely, definitely goes up in value.


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Perhaps this might be the new standard these days. It wasn’t always the case, and its a shame if things really have gotten to that point. Buying things for cosmetic value, like skins in games, makes sense as there’s no inherent advantage over other players. Buying boosts on wow to skip the leveling so that you can be on a similar playing field as those who have been playing and get to start at level 60, does not compare. Its not pay 2 win, merely paying to somewhat catchup, but you’d still be behind.

D2jsp allows you to literally pay to gain serious advantage. Considering ladder is meant to be competitive, it delegitimizes the entire purpose of its existence. I don’t care about people buying powerful items. It doesn’t affect me, since I’m not competing on ladder. For the people that take it seriously and want an even playing field though, it allows a corrupt system to exist.

This isn’t something you can argue against because its a fact of the situation, lol. You can say that other people who want to tryhard should also just pay money to do the same thing, but that’s just making my point. You either play the same game of corruption or you’re handicapping yourself. Just because you don’t personally think its problematic, doesn’t mean it still isn’t inherently problematic by design.

Cry more dude. There are dozens of websites selling in-game items for cold hard cash RIGHT NOW. Jsp is only one of hundreds, but jsp is unique in that it provides an extremely valuable trading forum - where the hands down BEST items in the game, such as GG rares, jewels, 100% perfect ethereal uniques, etc - are traded, and which you can’t reliably sell anywhere else for their true value. It fills a very badly needed niche and the entire community would be worse off without it. Period. Only whiny crybabies whom focus way too much on what others choose to do with their time/money wanna get rid of it. It’s pathetic.

Okey here is more in depth explanation
Ebay is ideal instrument to measure value of items for trade and check demand and supply. Ebay is better option than D2jsp for all mean and purpose. Think about D2jsp as crypto scamming …