D2jsp needs to go

I dont want to, I want to play with others

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then what you are saying now and what you ask for contradict itself

I’m more interested in ploot to be honest, that would encourage group play. playersX has its place too, especially in Hardcore.

Lol if there was no jsp for the last 20 years, there would be no d2r. But you scrubs wouldn’t know would you? :laughing:

Anyone that thinks that, is delusional.

Trading/buying items from people on there is the exact same thing as buying an account off ebay which is 100% not allowed via tos.

They are selling items that the ToS explicitly states you can’t even gift.

Oh noes, it breaks blizzard’s ToS! Whatever shall we do!

Big difference between something being illegal and breaking a video game company’s contract.

20 years and nothing has been done about jsp. It’s literally never going away, sorry to disappoint. Reality is, it makes life easier for everyone that uses it and 90% of jsp users never actually touch RMT, they just sell items they find and build wealth that way.

Speaking of delusional… Blizzard already tried in the past and failed to shut them down. Time to get over yourself… d2jsp is fair whether you like or not, it’s literally a trade website littered with trolls.

You pay money to buy stuff and receive money by selling stuff irl no? d2jsp is just that, a currency medium to facilitate trades, nothing else nothing more. Some ppl find value in it some dont and you dont get to decide for everyone just because you have some weird ideas about it.

i trade items that i own in my account all the time. is that against tos? not sure why you think that doing it with a outsourced currency created system that always returns those items to the game is either illegal or a violation of blizzards rules.

but let me put this question to you since i can see that you are confused: if it really was illegal then why doesnt blizzard either sue d2j or delete the accounts of those using d2j?

let me scream it so even the weak minded can understand the question:


thats what makes all your nonsense look wrong.

I dont think they hold any influence at all. It could be case only if majority of player base would be trading there. And it is not.

U callin out the group of ppl that u should be thanking

D2r would not exist were it not for its dedicated d2 fan base on those forums u d3 scrubs hate so much

Well I wouldn’t go that far. There’s a pretty vast ocean between what’s legal and what’s fair. D2jsp is technically legal due to a loophole the creator found. Whether the website, and what it enables is “fair” is up to interpretation.

people low ball on d2jsp too they can just low ball you faster

What’s not fair about it? You don’t use it and want no one else to…

its really going to burn your butt when you realize that blizzard is behind these kinds of websites and also behind the bots.
think about it… at 40-60 bucks a pop for a license (which is tied and verified to a specific person/phone number, how long would it take for banning of these bots for it to not be worth spamming on bNet?

they dont want the bots gone. plain and simple.

d2jsp isn’t used as much as you think. only a few thousand players actually use jsp for diablo 2.

idk i googled it and theres currently 10k+ online members?

“Browsing 10521 Online Users”

seeing the other games im willing to bet most of it is for diablo2 heh

sheesh thats a lot of unethical players D:

I’m genuinely curious as to why you believe this? You can use the site for legit trading just fine. Purediablo also just opened up their trading forums. Do you think anyone that sets up trades outside the game (because the lobby system in game is complete dog doo) is unethical?

stay curious if you cant figure it out yourself :slight_smile:

i got my reasons. the obvious ones.

Yay! Another advertisement thread.

cant wait for ladder, #d2jsp.