D2 need a proper end game

D2 endgame is already great. The problem is they messed up the ingame lobby system so it’s hard to participate without using 3rd party social networks.

They failed pretty miserably on the social aspect of D2, which was always its strongest selling point since release.

thats why ladder is what keeps the game going. Game is about the journey not the destination. Starting from scratch is whats exciting. For many.

Holy crap. 3 weeks, what a leap.

I played this game pretty casually for 22 years and never dropped anything over a Vex. I get maybe one geared and a half geared character finished in a ladder season.

You really think I was suggesting the progression jumps from that to now in 3 weeks I can finish every build, fully-geared, and have it at level 99? Wtf?

By “Make the endgame content highly valuable for XP/MF” I meant “make it worth farming the key items to open said portal/endgame content”. Like a p8-equivalent no-drop chance and make it a level 90 area so XP is ATTAINABLE.

Not “Make it so that you clear this endgame area one time and you suddenly have every item in the game and all your characters are magically level 99”

Sheesh. 3 weeks…

They wont do any new content, they simply cant as D2R is built over the original, and they do not have the source code last I heard…

All they should do is continue to buff areas, un-nerf the cow level to give a variance from the meta baal runs, and just give far more o =ptions to different builds to compete at Ilvl85+ areas.

Thats the very opposite of endgame. You can make new characters for sure to extend gametime, & I will create 2nd, mabye third charcter this ladder season but that is NOT endgame.

Thy can get the source code from Project Diablo 2 team then. They seems to have no issue making new contents…

Nevermind that talk, it’s baseless and not worth even reading. D2R already has new content/changes over the original (including Shared Stash which is impossible if they “lost the code”).

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I don’t know, I play NL exclusively and still haven’t made an enigma. Let alone endgame items such as Infinity or Last Wish.

for me game starts at hell ancient kill. everything up to that point is just an inconvenience. its amazing how our experience of this game differs so much.