D2 need a proper end game

I enjoy the leveling up process, but once you beat Hell Baal. Thats when the fun started to diminished.

There is only this many times you can run Baal, chaos & still fun…

Even a D3 Greater Rift system (cam call it a different name, due to number of people that get triggered with any name accociated with D3) , with 2-3 higher difficulty randomised area/dungean will greatly improve both MP experience & end game experience.

You make dress it up a bit fancy like the world map of Tiny Tina, where you need to complete a lower tier before higher ones, & have some bosses as gatekeeper to higher diff areas.

I don’t think its that hard to make, I mean Mob makers like PD2, path of diablo manage to make randomised maps/rift in their “basement”.


Yeah, totally agree with you OP.

It’s not fun doing robotic task forever. “Greater Rifts” would be so much more fun (based on your description).


Maybe maps like pd2.
Is a good end game system, i liked it.

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By the way, I am NOT a big fan of rift/maps as end game in many arpg/looter shooters.

I hope D4 is more ambition than the current map/rift/chao chamber or whatever name they use for playing in some contraint area (randomised or not). This will be a seperate discussion…for D4

But they are better than fighting the same few bosses, areas with little challenge currently.

The game has been fine with the way it plays out for 22 years, I don’t think they are going to be making any big changes like this.


2.4 was a pretty conservative patch as far as changes go. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they started to introduce things that really start to shake things up.


Then enjoy your “new PVP Meta” :slight_smile:

Im might be wrong but they potentially could add more content later.I think when the vast majority of us want something new they might add something small.Most likely not a new act or anything.Im finr as it is but if they added new uniques,new sets,maybe a Rift type of situation you open with a portal I would be fine with it.They just need tyo be careful about changing much of it or it would turn off a lot of the player base

It would be nice to see end-game areas in the form of portals/maps.

Require the farming of key items to create the portal, which can be traded.

Make the portal area highly valuable for xp/mf. Add a hellforge type rune drop to the end of it but not somewhere you can simply skip to without doing some work to get there.

Could help reduce farmer fatigue :stuck_out_tongue: knowing your time will be rewarded by at least an Um or higher.

Ehh I’d rather just see a 4th difficulty without increasing character power from where it is now. Hell is just too easy, a lot of builds can beat it naked, or practically naked.


Most people I talked to are already disappointed with the balance changes they made, they just want a genuine D2 experience with better graphic.

Just fix lobby and get rid of botting and everythings fine.

Well this would make game even shorter, faster lvl 99 more items, less incentive to play at all.
And it is very close like D3 rifts if it would increase by some multiplicator and they did not turn out that great I am afraid.

End game could be achievement type leaderboards for like fastest lvl 1 to baal kill in single game without others etc.
And of course PvP league with guild supports like they planned to do.

But why waste effort on D2R when they are making Diablo 4 that has protentional to earn them money if they make it right.

found the pvp person

very subjective. more content = less incentive, ok.

idc what happened in d3, never played it…

How would you feel about a 4th difficulty that just sets all maps to level 85, and significantly increases difficulty of mobs, and maybe adds an extra ability/mod to super uniques and bosses? Same drops, just more 85 areas, same xp except maybe andy/duriel/meph would still be xp at later levels?

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The content is not the issue, I have issue with more Xp/MF part. That would mean you would get all items faster and when you have every class decked out on lvl 99 then what ?

Loot tables+exp values is core loop of D2. This would turn D2 into D3 maybe when after 3weeks you have everything and you are done with the season.

Well that could work but depending on how high the increase of difficulty would be, it could make only few builds viable like Java/hammer LI soso etc.

So if fine tuned it could work yeah, but I believe Blizz will sidetrack D2R once D4 will be released and this seems like it would require a lot of Story points in terms of implementation effort, which hard to say if their product managers are willing to give.

That’s why I say the cap needs to stay at level 85 areas, and the xp needs to not increase. Just an entire difficulty of level 85 areas and more challenge.

To be fair, it WOULD have the same drops and XP as Hell… so builds that couldn’t handle it really wouldn’t be missing out on anything.

I’d actually say to prevent this from happening they’d have to change the skill point/stat points/life points/resist scroll rewards. On this difficulty, so overall character power stays the same. Really don’t wat people missing out on stuff because their build can’t handle it.

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Farm for a new character. Make a new build. That’s D2R endgame


Oh I don’t disagree. I just wish while I was farming for that new character there could be the remote chance something could kill me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Laz is working on a d2r mod which should satiate pvm endgame needs. Pvp remains d2 endgame, although that could change subject to the wsg / fhr snafu.