Controls reset after update

is there a reason why the shortcuts on all skills on all characters are reset to f1-f8 or did something go wrong during maintenance?


Yeah kind of annoying that I’ll have to reset every character to what they were. BUT NOT WORTH DELAYING LADDER OVER – let me be clear lol


my skills got reset to 1-8, and the pots to qwer keys.

they screwed the servers up again.

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All of my character skillbinds have been reset as if they are now level 1 characters.


Same issue here, more annoyingly after recreating my custom keys, exiting the game and reopening the game the bindings have again been removed / defaulted.


Since I use different buttons for potions, this could have taken me out in a hardcore game (It wasn’t that close of a call, but I’ll pretend so for dramatic purposes!!) Please be careful my blizzard peeps! All my support, and all my love for your updates . . . but keep an eye out for us if you would.


I tried to put in a Bug Report but their system said to put in a posting here.

Anyways, I figured out what is going on.

Character names stored on Battle Net are being loaded with ALL CAPS. This has changed as of the recent Battle Net server maintenance performed yesterday, March 29.

Due to the Battle Net character name incorrectly being displayed or loaded with ALL CAPS, the game can not find the correct CTLO or KEYO files.

For instance, with a character name of “Player”, the correct filename for a controller configuration file would be “Player.ctlo”. Unfortunately, Battle Net believes the character’s name is now “PLAYER” and thus at load time, the game will look for the file “PLAYER.ctlo” or “PLAYER.keyo” which will NOT exist.

I have tested this by creating a NEW character named “TESTER”. The customization files work CORRECTLY since the character name, on Battle Net AND the local system are both UPPER CASE already, so the current issue of Battle Net applying UPPER CASE to the character name is circumvented.

Again, the issue appears to only affect those Battle Net accounts that have Lower Case characters in their character names. Any character names that are entirely UPPER CASE do not appear to be affected by this issue.


Awesome work bro! So the real question is…when are they going to fix/revert this character names all in CAPS?

I’m seeing this too ever since they did the last round of maintenance on the servers. It was working fine for me before this. Now every time I exit the game and start it again my skill bindings just reset to 1 through 8 and all my custom settings are lost. Definitely incredibly annoying and needs to be fixed.

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That makes sense. Well done.

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have they acknowledge this error yet? very very annoying having to rebind the keys everyday…

You are right in that! Its insanely annoying to change it every start of the game again!

Hope that Blizzard will fixed it ASAP (it is 3 days now!).

Go to C:/Users/Saved Games/Diablo II Resurrected and rename the .ctlo and .keyo files in there so that the character names are uppercase and it’ll temporarily work around the key binding issue (even for online characters) until Blizzard fixes the stupid capitalization issue which clearly wasn’t intentional on their part and was some mistake they made during the last round of server maintenance work.

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See my post above this one.

i did that yesterday for my main and one of my mules, seem to work for the day. today i just logged in and the keybinds reset. i went back to the folder and the file names of those 2 are still CAPITALIZED. i tried the mule with the lower cased name that i didn’t change and the keybinds are still reset.

I play on controller and I have to remap every button whenever i start up the game. i guess this bug effected both keyboard/mouse and controller players

Yeah, I’m seeing the same, doing that only seems to fix it for a while so there must also be some server side component affecting this as well. They really just need to fix this. I don’t understand why they claim that the fix will be in patch 2.4 when this was caused by basic maintenance. If the solution is a patch they should just release a hotfix now. Blizzard’s response so far is basically “enjoy the game being completely screwed up for a few weeks”. I wonder if they even have anyone on their side who actually plays this game. If they do, it really doesn’t show.