Consoles need an ingame text chat system! and lobbies too!

k so ik im not the only 1 complaining about this, so i play on ps4, cuz i can’t afford a pc, but like 20 or so years ago, i used to play the heck outa diablo 2 classic, and from my experience in tht game on pc, the lobbies and text chat was a huuuuuge part of tht game, and now tht D2R is out, and i got it on ps4, im supper disappointed, it doesnt even feel lije D2 without lobbies and textchat ingame, sure i could just chat in the psn menu, but, thts slow, takes too long to try and find the ppl you join, and im not joining a vc in a party with some random with all their background noise, i mean how hard us it to add a lobby system and text chat system to D2R consoles? i heard overwatch has it, and its part if blizzard, i heard some racing games has it, AND THEY ARE RACING GAMES! .-. the logic their lol but it still has it, theres a ton of other console games with text chat too, Elder scrolls online, final fantasy XIV, etc. my point is, i 100% think D2R would be SOOOOO much more fun with a text chat system and lobby system! not some stupid emote wheel tht isn’t reliable, we need to text chat ingame to help newbies out too or get help ourselves, the way the system is now, chances are alot of ppl will quit playing it if they haven’t already ;-;

sry for the rant, just had to let it all out lol

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100%. I just posted about this myself. Its even worse on the Nintendo Switch, as we dont even have our own console chat options.
HOW are we supposed to co-ordinate, or be on the same page at all?

Such an easy feature to implement. Ive given up on online play until something is done about this. It’s pointless without a chat system.
MonsterHunter rise, Animal Crossing, and even minecraft allow for USB keyboard chat. For D2, Im surprised we even have to beg for it :frowning:


:confused: How do I express my thoughts about the construction of your post without violating the forum rules?

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To express your opinion to the OP… Well when it is something that isn’t just causing pure mental anguish but rather is also an issue that is just flat out painfully obvious where the OP has gone wrong… I have to wonder, are they oblivious or is it intentional?

It very may well be by choice that the OP is gifting his forum peers with a boost of cortisol, increased blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack, a few minutes taken from their life span, and a strong potential for relapse of depression.

IMO the proper way to respond should allow for both teaching an ignorant OP exactly how they’ve weaponized a forum post as well as returning the favor to a conniving OP. I would suggest first putting your pants on backwards to really get yourself in the mindset (or lack thereof) of the OP, and then go all out with a response that takes the OPs use of a forum post as an act of terrorism to the next level. OP hurt us all; awakening the monster within us. It is now up to you, CoffinBirth, to create a monstrosity for the OP.

Zarathustra you said something I could not.

Never have I been so diametrically strained between wanting to annihilate something like a pound of anti-matter and behaving as lesser men would ask of me.

With your bold strides I feel that my vigor is rekindled. To which I only need say this.

This is one sentence.

Chat and custom lobbies

Everyone should be screaming this from the hilltops. Blizzard sucks


Im trying haha. Ive been working my character solo, and didn’t even see this as a potential issue when I would be ready for online.

To me it’s just a no-brainer that a game with this much depth and trading would have a chat system.
Can’t believe they released it like this, and nobody in the Alpha/Beta noticed they couldn’t talk to eachother. Surely someone has brought it to their attention!?


ik for a fact the game would be alot more successful then it is now if it had lobbies and text chat like pc ╥﹏╥


The clarity of your messages is getting better. Keep posting.


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i think everyone needs to just contact blizzard all at once and complain about it, get them to add lobbies text chat and keyboard and mouse support for console, maybe they’ll finally listen if ppl spam them with it

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Oh they know by now.

People have been asking since the game has been released.

Looking at the latest patch notes you can guess what their plan is.

  1. Server Stability.
  2. Existing Bugs (As they are corrected).
  3. Existing planned features (Ladders).
  4. Possible new features / quality of life.

Just a guess but I think this order makes sense. Provide the planned experience for D2R then see about adding in features.

Everyone can complain till they’re blue in the face but it will not speed things up.

What do people think goes on in the meeting rooms?

Dev 1: “Sir I have bad news.”

Team Lead: “It’s the console thread about features isn’t?”

Dev 1: “The post count is at 400!, it won’t hold up much longer!”

Team Lead: “Holy mother of God. BRAAAACE FOR IMPACT!”

The thing that’s bothering me (and I guess most people) is not that the change isn’t coming right now, it’s that we have no idea if they even know we want lobbies and chat. There’s no response from anyone from Blizzard, they don’t even post console patch notes here, instead they post it in a forum section where we can’t even post. We’re left in the dark here, I’m seriously wondering is someone from Blizz is even looking here once in a while, I think it’s like “Escape from New York”, they dump us in here and let us deal with ourselves.

BTW that “meeting room” bit was gold :smiley:


Lobbies/chat must be implemented as a top priority.

Without it this game is dead.


If they just told us it’s a planned feature, I’d shut up about it and happily look forward to it

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