Comprehensive Wishlist for Future Patch

Hello All

Let me preface this by saying that I absolutely love D2, and have been playing it since it was released, period. And I have loved everything about D2R thus far.

However, the time has come to address the main flaw, as I see it. Targeting. This affects melee a lot more than ranged, I grant you, as ranged, especially those focused on AE hardly notice, but for melee targeting is a nightmare.

How many times have you been unable to target mobs in front of you just because they were standing next to loot? Or worse, next to an interactable feature of the environment like a tomb? How many times have you picked up a bunch of arrows instead of swinging at the boss? It is beyond frustrating and thatā€™s why, to this day, melee is so much more frustrating and difficult than ranged in D2.

Now, between D2 and D3 there is no comparison in terms of loot balance, play, environment, art, feel, etc. I vastly prefer D2 and always will, but one thing I can say about D3 is that I can target monsters easily. Really easily. Seamlessly flowing between one and the next, or one pack and the next.

How is this possible? Is the hit box bigger? Is there some logic that says if a monster is right next to a gem, the monster is what gets targeted? Is your mouse position helped by some algorithmic logic? Honestly, I donā€™t know and donā€™t care, but whatever it is they got it right and beautifully.

For me, beyond stash space, or all the little features and QOL changes that might come down the pipe, this would be BY FAR the biggest single improvement to the game. Itā€™s fundamental, constant, and would improve the experience of playing a melee by a country mile.

I realise that this is probably more difficult to implement than the simpler, quick and dirty features changes many are contemplating, but I genuinely believe that no single change would contribute more strongly to the gameā€™s longevity than modernizing the targeting interface.

Thank you for you consideration.


Cain can now identify items in Horadric Cube!

Now we just need to move Cain next to the Stash in Act 5, add loot filter that is curated by Blizzard, and add option to show iLvl on items via a toggle in Options Menu and we will be in good shape for QoL improvements.

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Cain identifying cubed items is already listed in 2.4.3

i agree with alot of this some i dont but even if we got 1/4 of what is listed itd be such a drastic improvement

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Here is my full list of QoL changes that I hope the developers consider down the road for Patch 2.5. They all seem reasonable to me.

Yahā€¦iā€™m learning thatā€¦ mastery was even worse, gave almost NO damage per point after 20 so the skillers i had equipped were less than useless, and the combat ones im using to boost my double throw skill are also basically crap. adding +9 max damage GC adds over 100 damage to my doublethrowing weapon dmg total, adding +1 skill, which should be equivalent roughly, adds like 30-40 damage totalā€¦ thatā€™s just sad. skill upgrades should be meaningfulā€¦ and skill point bonuses should be important. For some classes they are, for some they arent, and blizzard has basically filled this game with things like that.

Inconsistency is the BANE of this game, and its ALL throughout. thereā€™s no consistency in what skills get soft synergy points (for some reason druid pets had soft synergies applied, but nobody elseā€™s skills did and no tooltips reflected this, donā€™t know if they still apply though). Thereā€™s things like the breakpoints that you just have to kinda know about, and thereā€™s no tooltip data for it ,at least ive never seen anything come out about it from our overlords, and thereā€™s points in weapon mastery are barely even WORTH putting anything extra into, like a +1 masteries skill point is just useless. What throwing barbs need most, IMO, is for frenzy to proc off of doublethrow if you have learned it. That way you arenā€™t approaching the enemies and frenzying and running back and firing, thatā€™s NOT how a barbarian would fight AT ALL, it feels WRONG to run away as a Barbā€¦and Blizzard is ALL about that roleplay experience, so itā€™s probably in their best interests to FIX this.

If youā€™d like to see them fix it, spread it around, spread the word, because iā€™m but an unknown gamer, but the community can pressure even the biggest game companies to do SOMETHING for them.

if id tome could id all items without the need for id scrolls. then id scrolls could be used as runeword scrolls. you would have to find the scroll of the runeword you want to make to learn how to craft it. this could somewhat help balance some items like spirit that are way to cheap to craft by making the scroll of that runeword lower chance to drop. scroll of spirit to learn how to craft the spirit runeword. 1:38537 chance (or something) to drop.

This is an interesting idea, but would rather see the developers do a balance pass on lesser used runewords: Myth, Enlightenment, Gloom, Rain, Wind to name a few.

Iā€™m glad the developers improved damage scaling of WW for early levels as requested in OP and now obtains benefit from frenzy and fanaticism, but why did they lower 2h max fpa from 4 to 5, which is a 20% damage nerf? I like the IAS changes in an effort to expand weapon choice, but failed in execution. Letsā€™s make Barbarian great again, Blizzard!

I understand you, mate. Maybe a good middle ground solution would be to make runes and gems stackable, so we can all have one of our tabs devoted to currency, arranged to our liking.

Whatever the solution is, I would be grateful anyways.

In light of the changes to Whirlwind in 2.4.3, Iā€™m proposing a buff to IAS to the Immortal King Set and updated the OP. Make Barbarian Great Again!

What he saidā€¦

For the next patch I would love these two changes.

Cube formula to upgrade magical items. We can upgrade rares, sets, and uniques. Lets get magic items too!

Ability to make oath in hammers. Oath legendary mallets! Lets go!!!