Community Feedback for Improving Itemization

Finally have some time to reply in depth on the last open topics. Last post of the year so to say :partying_face:

First we need to talk about, what place Alma Negra should occupy? If you check traderie good rolls trade for several Jahs. So it holds value already. But I guess it´s a pure pvp shield right now (MDR and high ED are wanted, +2 skills is not the most important roll here). It not a frequent find, but not super rare as well. So Salvation on top might be an issue for pvp (2 OS would “only” add 44% @res max). The lvl req. might be a bit to high (I would lower that by 5 lvl for playthrough reasons). If Blizz anables pally gear for Act3 this would be an option for those dudes as well providing salvation to your party, that might be really strong (too much imho) then.

At the end it is the same like with all auras too many of those might mess up the balance of the game. An extra Salvation aura is super strong and I think that could only be added to an armor to force a real tradeoff…

I personally would take a more conservative approach here. Tbh I like the original proposal a bit more with fixed +2 pally skills, 2 OS and some ED. But would lower ED and AR now a bit (given the fact that this shield is already not super bad and has value), but would lower lvl req. to 72. Would be the bigger pally brother auf our new mid-lvl Mosars Circle.

  • Buffs:
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Change Paladin Skills to +2
      > Change E. Damage to +75-100%
      > Change Bonus AR to +75-150%
      > Change Lvl requirement from 77 to 72

Here I´m with you absolutely! Salvation at lvl 29 is far too strong (not sure why we ignored that in the first place). You would have probaly some +skills gear by this lvl and end up with +80 all res with lvl 3-5 salvation aura.

I like adding HFD (especially if they make it stack) and increased DtU. Exp. gain is interesting and not doing any harm. The increased resist are adequate for a NM armor.
However the armor is now very mana centric and I think that would help a lot of chars. So I would increase the mana regen a bit. We switched regen to damage taken goes to mana but would rather increase regen from 25% to 50% now. All changes would make an interesting mid lvl armor. Now it´s not really good for anything.

I really like the Patriach it looks cool and I used it with my recent WW barb playthrough from lvl 29 to lvl 38, when I switched to a rare fools 2H (with a bloodletter offhand). The rest of my gear was good so it felt adequate at the beginning but falls behind at lvl 35+ and I was happy to replace it with the rare 2H.

I have somehow the feeling, that the original proposal without the combat skills, could be enough though (CB for bossed, ED for general usability and increased GF is massiv imho). The +2 combat skills would make it really strong that early. So I would limit this to +1 combat skills to not make it stronger than needed (its not a rare find at all!).

Other option could be to add mods with a “per lvl” adjustment. E.g. +0.2 flat dmg per lvl (29 would be +5, 99 would be +19). So improved within the importanten range of 29-45 (at max) but not causing any trouble later?

I would support this (especially takillyas addition). This would make an okayisch amulet better but not op. Angelics would still have its niche. 5 per lvl is decent (4 would be enough as well imho). Boosting the lvl of amp dmg is solid as well (but also could live with lvl 5 which is still double the radius). Would still reamin with the increase poison dmg of 160 per 4 sec. 40 is just useless for a lvl 60 item? :man_shrugging:

I like the version with low + max resist as well. That would added some unique flavour and would make this item a long term option (now it´s not). Not sure if the +10 to all attributes would change that. So I´m ok with your current proposal but think that the last proposal hast more flavour to it? But anyhow, removing charges with o-skill should be added (it a lvl 69 itmen at the end and charges are always mediocre - a lvl 5 is dying constantly in hell).

Previous version was:

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To All Skills
    • Add -3-5% To Enemy Physical Resist

At lvl 50 the small addition of magic dmg doesn´t change to much. And thh I really like the idea for +1 all skills on this ammy. Not a clear BIS for late game, but the decent dual leech opens up a lot of options. I don´t care to much if we add -phy resist or -Monster Defense per Hit or even both (a bit tuned down). At the end it is a clear melee ammy.

We talked about The Oculus already.

As allready mentioned. I can´t see myself using this shield at lvl 30-35. Even with Blade Shield as an O-skill. I would rather try to make it viable at the early lvl it is currently meant for. So I would support ATD per lvl as Cahreles proposed. The +20% AR could be a fixed values as well to benefit from +AR-skills as well. I would fall behind rapidly with higher levels, but thats perfectly fine for me! Other option would be to just lower the lvl req. from 15 to lets say 9? At lvl 9 the 10 ATD would be really relevant. The ne pacifist go to shield. :slight_smile:

Have a nice last evening of 2023 gents! :slight_smile:

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Happy new year to everyone! Hope you had a good start :slight_smile:

I don´t want to distract from the above, but I fear will forget what I´m want to discuss afterwards. So here you go.

I was playing around with some theorycrafting around fireskills and Dragon RW. I enjoyed a dual dream sorc a lot (not S-tier, but decent with good AOE but not OP by any means).
A dual Dragon, even with a HoJ and a lvl 44 holy fire auro doesn´t compete by a huge margin imho (especially with the given costs). I would put it in a middle B-tier spot at best. And was wandering if you coulod lift that build a little bit (target destination lower A tier, since is quite an hefty investment).

What could we propose do make it a little bit more viable (but not too strong)?

Target chars would be pally, sorcs and maybe fire druids. I would always assume, that we talk about dual Dragon with HoJ and FF as a helmet. That would leaves two options.

A) Adjuste either HoJ or Dragon
B) Create juwelery complementing that build

Sur Lo Sol

Req level: 61
3 socket Shields Body Armor

20% Chance to Cast Level 18 Venom When Struck
12% Chance To Cast Level 15 Hydra On Striking
Level 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+360 Defense
+230 Defense vs. Missile
+3-5 To All Attributes
+0.375-37.125 To Strength (Based on Character Level)
Increase Maximum Mana 5% (Armor Only)
+50 To Mana (Shields Only)
+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
Damage Reduced by 7

Hand of Justice
Surr Cham Amn Lo

Req level: 67
4 socket Weapons

100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level Up
100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You Die
Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+33% Increased Attack Speed
+280-330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target +3

Flickering Flame
Nef Pul Vex

Req level: 55
3 socket Helms

Level 4-8 Resist Fire Aura When Equipped
+3 To Fire Skills
-10-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance
+30% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense vs. Missile
+50-75 To Mana
Half Freeze Duration
+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
Poison Length Reduced by 50%

Our improved Rising Sun would help (option B kind off)

The Rising Sun
Req Level: 65
+2 To Fire Skills
2% CtC Lvl 13-19 Meteor When Struck
0-74 Fire Absorb
Adds 24-48 Fire Damage
Replenish Life +10
+4 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add -5-10% To Enemy Fire Resist
    • Change Meteor Lvl to 19-25 and Cast from When Struck to On Striking

With that in mind we would have lvl 44 holy fire aura, -45% enemy fire resist (only if all RW roll perfectly! 35-45 would be the range).

The intersting point would be top keep balances between the different chars (mainly pally and sorc). Any ideas?

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! :fireworks::fireworks::fireworks:

Agreed, but think below is all that is needed…

Alma Negra
Defense: 461-511
Req Level: 77
Req Strength: 109
+180-210% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To Paladin Skills
20% Increased Chance of Block
30% Faster Block Rate
+40-75% Enhanced Damage
+40-75% Bonus to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced By 5-9

  • Buffs:
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Change Paladin Skills to +2
    • Change E. Damage to +100-150%
    • Change Bonus AR to +100-150%

Agreed. Instead of adding exp. gain, I buffed mana regen as you mentioned…

Heavenly Garb
Defense: 216
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 41
+100% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 25%
All Resist +10
+15 To Energy
+50% Damage To Undead
+100 To Attack Rating Against Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Add Half Freeze Duration
    • Change D. To Undead to +150%
    • Change Regenerate Mana to 50%
    • Change All Resist to +10-20

Sounds good, but lowered GF and CB slightly…

The Patriarch
1H Damage: (24-26) to (40-44)
2H Damage: (50-55) To (84-92)
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 100
Req Dexterity: 60
+100-120% Enhanced Damage
Hit Blinds Target
+10 To Strength
100% Extra Gold From Monsters
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
Damage Reduced By 3

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
    • Add +15% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Change E. Damage to 120-150%
    • Change Gold Find to 150%


What about adding Oak Sage as o-skill, but then only keep Max Fire/Cold Resist as follows (doesn’t completely overlap GA)?..

Nature’s Peace
Req Level: 69
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
Prevent Monster Heal
Poison Resist +20-30%
Damage Reduced by 7-11
Level 5 Oak Sage (27 charges)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +5 To Oak Sage
    • Add +1-5% To Max Cold Resist
    • Add +1-5% To Max Fire Resist
    • Remove Poison Resist +20-30%
    • Remove Lvl 5 Oak Sage (27 Charges)

We could keep +1 all skills on this ammy and also add -Monster Defense per Hit?..

Crescent Moon
Req Level: 50
10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+45 To Mana
3-6% Life Stolen Per Hit
11-15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Magic Damage Reduced By 10
-2 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To All Skills
    • Add -50 To Monster Defense Per Hit

Sounds good.


Would you still keep the high ED? That is really solid with 2 OS, 2 skills and might be too much (especially in pvp). Would assume, that 75-100 is more than enough in combination with the other goodies (AR could go higher). How about lowering lvl req. a bit as well? Is 72 too low?

With these additions this will be a great maby BIS option imho.



Atma’s Scarab

Would you go with lvl 10 Amp dmg or is lvl 5 or 6 enough? How about Poison dmg increase from +40 to 160?

Why not! Different twist. All version will make it choice for using it more often then only for Nihlathak. Is there a way for poison absorb? If so, that might be another twist we do not have so far.

But I think your last proposal would make a lot of players happy.

I really like that! Not crazy op but could be an alternative for Highlord’s if you are not needing the IAS. I think that opens up several new build options since you won´t need dual leeach rings and could go with the above Natures Peace for example! highly :+1: :+1:

Swordback Hold

Good! Would like to see that.

So some discussions needed on the above. Any thoughts on Dragon, HoJ, FF# for Sorcs?

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Checked my mules and came along my good rooled eth MG. I think our current proposal helps a lot for this shield already. But looking at it again I would like to change one tiny bit.

The 100% CtC lvl 44 Nova when you die is nice for pvp, but I can´t see this shield used in PvP even with our two addition.

What would you say if we change the CtC Nova from “when you die” to when struck or even on striking (with the high defense obviously “on striking” would be far better except for the ES sorc - but those are already strong enough). With the really high lvl 44 Nova but with a low chance to proc (like 2% or max 4%). I could see that then be used on new Nova ES variants or maby some trapsin or some niche Javazons?

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Another one. I like the current proposal. But would it be usefull not only for poison based chars (for that it is usefull, especially for a poison dagger necro with pnova synergies) if we lower 10% CtC lvl 10 Poison Nova (then on striking) to lets say 5% but increase pnovo to lvl 20? (200-260 pd vs 480-530 dp)?

Fully synergies lvl 10 pnova would be helpfull, but I would say at lvl 60 the pnova lvl is not really usefull for other melee chars? Or is it just fine and it should be only usefull for poison chars? Same with twister, could be lvl 20 as well (60 dmg vs 100).

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Sounds good to me, here you go. I wouldn’t touch level requirement…

Alma Negra
Defense: 461-511
Req Level: 77
Req Strength: 109
+180-210% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To Paladin Skills
20% Increased Chance of Block
30% Faster Block Rate
+40-75% Enhanced Damage
+40-75% Bonus to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced By 5-9

  • Buffs:
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Change Paladin Skills to +2
    • Change E. Damage to +75-100%
    • Change Bonus AR to +75-100%

Agreed, amp damage to lvl 6 and triple the poison damage…

Atma’s Scarab
Req Level: 60
5% CtC Lvl 2 Amplify Damage On Striking
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+40 Poison Damage Over 4 seconds
Poison Resist +75%
+3 To Light Radius
Attacker Takes Damage of 5

  • Buffs:
    • Add +6-594 AR (6.0 Per Clvl)
    • Change Amplify Damage Lvl to 6
    • Change Poison Damage to +120
    • Remove 20% Bonus To Attack Rating

Need more time to think about this. :man_shrugging:

Agreed, but tweaked the levels slightly…

Medusa’s Gaze
Defense: 405-453
Req Level: 76
Req Strength: 219
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
Slows Target By 20%
Cold Resist +40-80%
10% CtC Lvl 7 Lower Resist When Struck
100% CtC Lvl 44 Nova When You Die

  • Buffs:
    • Add -30% Requirements
    • Add 2% CtC Lvl 36 Nova When Struck
    • Add 8% CtC Lvl 9 Decrepify On Striking
    • Remove 100% CtC Lvl 44 Nova When You Die

I think adding bonus to +poison skills is really solid and should be enough to make it viable.

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New season 6 item which gives 3+ to wirlwind, can be used by any, class… Thank you i promise i be a good boi and pray every night for the whole year!


Solid! Take to the OP please :slight_smile:


I really really would likte to try that thing in real combat!!!

Fair enough :+1:

What would you think about our proposed Pierre Tombale Couant when removing (Barb only)?

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One small thing I would like to discuss. We opens up the crossbow from Necro only to all chars (with the +2 skills). Pierce is very helpfull. The increased CtC lower resist is good (the range is with lvl 1 only 2 yards, so very limited), but what are you doing with that? Your bow attack doesn´t benefit from it (the 150 pd over 8 seconds is nothing at lvl 36 and beyond). The CtC poison nova is on struck not on striking and therewith procs only very seldomly.

What do you think about the following:

  • Buffs:
    • Add +50% Piercing Attack
    • Change Lower Resist Cast to 9% and increase lvl 1 to lvl 6 (2 yards to 5.3 yards)
    • Change +2 To Necromancer Skills to +2 To All Skills

  • Change 9% CtC Lvl 6 Poison Nova When Struck to “when striking”
  • Add 30% IAS
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I updated OP based on previous discussion:


Alma Negra
Defense: 461-511
Req Level: 77
Req Strength: 109
+180-210% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To Paladin Skills
20% Increased Chance of Block
30% Faster Block Rate
+40-75% Enhanced Damage
+40-75% Bonus to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced By 5-9

  • Buffs:
    • Add 2 Open Sockets
    • Change Paladin Skills to +2
    • Change E. Damage to +75-100%
    • Change Bonus AR to +75-100%

Medusa’s Gaze
Defense: 405-453
Req Level: 76
Req Strength: 219
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit
Slows Target By 20%
Cold Resist +40-80%
10% CtC Lvl 7 Lower Resist When Struck
100% CtC Lvl 44 Nova When You Die

  • Buffs:
    • Add -30% Requirements
    • Add 2% CtC Lvl 36 Nova When Struck
    • Add 8% CtC Lvl 9 Decrepify On Striking
    • Remove 100% CtC Lvl 44 Nova When You Die

Nature’s Peace
Req Level: 69
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
Prevent Monster Heal
Poison Resist +20-30%
Damage Reduced by 7-11
Level 5 Oak Sage (27 Charges)

  • Buffs:
    • Add +5 To Oak Sage
    • Add +1-5% To Max Fire Resist
    • Add +1-5% To Max Cold Resist
    • Remove Poison Resist +20-30%
    • Remove Lvl 5 Oak Sage (27 Charges)

Atma’s Scarab
Req Level: 60
5% CtC Lvl 2 Amplify Damage On Striking
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
+40 Poison Damage Over 4 seconds
Poison Resist +75%
+3 To Light Radius
Attacker Takes Damage of 5

  • Buffs:
    • Add +6-594 AR (6.0 Per Clvl)
    • Change Amplify Damage Lvl to 6
    • Change Poison Damage to +120
    • Remove 20% Bonus To Attack Rating

Crescent Moon
Req Level: 50
10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+45 To Mana
3-6% Life Stolen Per Hit
11-15% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Magic Damage Reduced By 10
-2 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To All Skills
    • Add -50 To Monster Defense Per Hit

Dwarf Star
Req Level: 45
+40 to Life
+40 Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 15%
Fire Absorb 15%
Magic Damage Reduced By 12-15
100% Extra Gold From Monsters

  • Buffs:
    • Add +10-15 To Strength
    • Add Attacker Takes Fire Damage Of 80
    • Remove +40 Maximum Stamina
    • Remove Heal Stamina Plus 15%

Heavenly Garb
Defense: 216
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 41
+100% Enhanced Defense
Regenerate Mana 25%
All Resist +10
+15 To Energy
+50% Damage To Undead
+100 To Attack Rating Against Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Add Half Freeze Duration
    • Change D. To Undead to +150%
    • Change Regenerate Mana to 50%
    • Change All Resist to +10-20

The Patriarch
1H Damage: (24-26) to (40-44)
2H Damage: (50-55) To (84-92)
Req Level: 29
Req Strength: 100
Req Dexterity: 60
+100-120% Enhanced Damage
Hit Blinds Target
+10 To Strength
100% Extra Gold From Monsters
Magic Damage Reduced By 3
Damage Reduced By 3

  • Buffs:
    • Add +1 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
    • Add +15% Chance Of Crushing Blow
    • Change E. Damage to 120-150%
    • Change Gold Find to 150%

Great Axe
2H Damage: (27-30) To (45-54)
Req Level: 25
Req Strength: 63
Req Dexterity: 39
+50-80% Enhanced Damage
+14 To Min Damage
Adds 15-35 Fire Damage
10-13% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+25 To Mana
+4 To Light Radius

  • Buffs:
    • Add 10% CtC Lvl 5 Confuse On Striking
    • Add +40% Increased Attack Speed
    • Change E. Damage to 80-120%
    • Remove 15-35 Fire Damage

Spire of Lazarus
Gnarled Staff
2H Damage: 4 To 12
Required Level: 18
+1 To Sorceress Skills
Adds 1-28 Lightning Damage
+1 To Chain Lightning (Sorceress Only)
+2 To Lightning (Sorceress Only)
+3 To Static Field (Sorceress Only)
+15 To Energy
Regenerate Mana 43%
Lightning Resist +75%
Damage Reduced By 5
+50% Damage To Undead

  • Buffs:
    • Change Chain Lightning to +1-2
    • Change Lightning to +2-3
    • Change Static Field to +3-4

The Eye of Etlich
Req Level: 15
+1-5 To Light Radius
+1 To All Skills
3-7% Life Stolen Per Hit
Adds 1-5 Cold Damage, Duration 2-10 Secs
+10-40 Defense vs. Missiles

  • Buffs:
    • Add 1-5 Magic Damage
    • Add +5-10% To Magic Resistance
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A new runeword called " Goblin’s Gold Sack " - It’s a 3 sox helmets, requires two ist and a lem

Goblin’s Gold Sack
Req level: 50
Req Strength 45
Req Dexterity 30
+1 To All Skills
20% Mana regen
350% Extra Gold From monsters
100% Magic find
(Something new which makes a class drop between around 1-10 Gold Every Step or like every third second.) (Hence the runeword name)

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Instead of creating a new item, as Necromant suggested above, what do you think about adding +3 to whirlwind as an o-skill?..

Pierre Tombale Couant
2H Damage: (100-120) To (215-260)
Req Level: 43
Req Strength: 113
Req Dexterity: 67
+160-220% Enhanced Damage
Adds 12-20 Damage
+55% Deadly Strike
+100-200 To Attack Rating
+3 To Barbarian Skills
6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
30% Faster Hit Recovery

  • Buffs:
    • Add +3 To Whirlwind
    • Add +30% Increased Attack Speed

How about change LR lvl to 8 (9.3 yards), but leave proc chance unchanged as follows?..

Pus Spitter
2H Damage: (50-64) To (105-134)
Req Level: 36
Req Strength: 32
Req Dexterity: 28
+150-220% Enhanced Damage
+150 Poison Damage Over 8 Seconds
Requirements -60%
9% CtC Lvl 6 Poison Nova When Struck
4% CtC Lvl 1 Lower Resist On Striking
+5-495 To Attack Rating
10% Increased Attack Speed
+2 To Necromancer Skills

  • Buffs:
    • Add +50% Piercing Attack
    • Change Lower Resist Lvl to 8
    • Change +2 To Necromancer Skills to +2 To All Skills

I don’t mind an o skill with +3 to wirlwind but i dislike some of the

Pierre Tombale Couant
2H Damage: (100-120) To (215-260)
Req Level: 43
Req Strength: 113
Req Dexterity: 67
+160-220% Enhanced Damage
Adds 12-20 Damage
+55% Deadly Strike
+100-200 To Attack Rating
+3 To Barbarian Skills
6% Mana Stolen Per Hit
30% Faster Hit Recovery

    Add +3 To Whirlwind
    Add +30% Increased Attack Speed

Firstly i don’t like it being a two handed wep and i don’t like the 3+ to barbarian skills, since it has +3 To wirlwind because some other classes might want to try it out and thus i think 1+ to all skill would be better and more balanced aswell rather than giving it 6 free skills to wirlwind as a barbarian. Other than that i think it looks good.

I still think the idea and concept of my runeword is better since it let a barb horker become a loot goblin which drops golds on the ground and it’s a fun but not totally new idea.

Goblin’s Gold Sack
Req level: 50
Req Strength 45
Req Dexterity 30
+1 To All Skills
20% Mana regen
350% Extra Gold From monsters
100% Magic find
(Something new which makes a class drop between around 1-10 Gold Every Step or like every third second.) (Hence the runeword name)


I´m kind a with you. As a Barb I will allways take dual Bloodletter for WW.

On any other char ww would just be a gimmick. I think the +3 To Barbarian Skills could be “+2 to all skills” as well. Dual spirit would provide +4 to all skills. Beeing a two handed weapon would give you +5 to WW, but with the drawback of beeing a 2H weapon.
The dmg would be ok (upped it would reach something like 92-420 with mediocre 180% ED roll). An enchant sorc would be interesting to see.

Could you use that as a werewolf? There would be no animation for that? So the whole concept would take probably more work for the devs, then Blizz is ready to invest and thus unlikely :man_shrugging:

The idea is kind of interesting, cool and thematic, but I´m not sure if I would really support the idea of dropping gold around. Again, that would be a new mechanic not existing yet thus high effort at Blizz and therewith unlikely.

As an alternativ we already propose RW “Wealth” beeing able to build in Helmets. Kind a similar and easy to implement.

Bottom line, the main focus on of this tread is to make underutilized uniqes useable and viable. New RWs are barely needed (may to fill a gab for good bases with the “wrong” number of OS). I pretty sure everybody would easily come up with a bunch of ideas for cool RWs :crazy_face:

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Honestly the lvl of lower resist is the minor issue, so leave it at 4% CtC is fine with me. The pnova is rendered useless right now on the Pus Spitter and should be on striking to make it even remotely relevant :man_shrugging:

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As a main melee sorceress it is interesting but i found out that a enchanted bow/crossbow sorceress is much way better than a melee sorceress. So i never really plays melee anymore since it suck too much on hell when playin hardcore.

Please make it +1. With more than +1 it would become a mandatory pre-buff item for druids like CtA, since summons retain their stats after swapping the gear. +1 would be as much as SoJ and BK, so swapping would be pointless. For other classes level 1 may seem low, but oskills scale with + all skills, so it should be fine


I thought it was like Metalgrid and the summoned Oak Sage will disappear if the ring is taken off? Another problem is you don’t even bother using in Hell because the Oak Sage only lasts a few seconds before dying. What about +3 To Oak Sage, give the spirit little more life?

I tend to agree with you and pnova should be changed to on striking as follows…

Pus Spitter
2H Damage: (50-64) To (105-134)
Req Level: 36
Req Strength: 32
Req Dexterity: 28
+150-220% Enhanced Damage
+150 Poison Damage Over 8 Seconds
Requirements -60%
9% CtC Lvl 6 Poison Nova When Struck
4% CtC Lvl 1 Lower Resist On Striking
+5-495 To Attack Rating
10% Increased Attack Speed
+2 To Necromancer Skills

  • Buffs:
    • Add +50% Piercing Attack
    • Change Poison Nova to On Striking
    • Change +2 To Necromancer Skills to +2 To All Skills

I’ve also been thinking we should include Windforce as well to help compete with Faith. I would really like to replace heal stamina with bonus to AR and slightly buff IAS as follows…

2H Damage: 35 to (241-547)
Req Level: 73
Req Strength: 134
Req Dexterity: 167
+250% Enhanced Damage
+3-309 To Maximum Damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Heal Stamina Plus 30%
+10 To Strength
+5 To Dexterity

  • Buffs:
    • Add 100% Bonus To Attack Rating
    • Remove Heal Stamina Plus 30%
    • Change IAS to 20-30%