Comment in Favor of Instancing loot and Removing Stamina Bar

No it just separates the player base into Six Different Versions of the game creating a massive issue of population density among six different versions of the game.

It also creates an issue of playing with your friends, making a schism between not only game modes but now between two friends who want to play diablo together but have different opinions about what the loot system should be.

As someone who literally spent Years playing diablo II I have to whole heartedly disagree. I have seen the personal loot system in diablo III and it sucks. It’s probably one of the worst things about that game. There is basically no trading whatsoever, and any loot that drops just sits there unless you personally pick it up. Because of this lots of potential loot that could go to a player that actually needs it gets left on the ground.

Then to further add insult to injury they Customized the drops so you only get loot for the character you are playing despite the fact that we hunt for gear on multiple characters for multiple characters.

Getting rid of the Global loot system isn’t a QoL Fix, it’s a drastic change to diablo 2, and the way multiplayer games function. I don’t trust them to make that kind of change to the game, because once they make a change like that they will be tempted to make more and more changes. It’s a slippery slope which leads to a crappy diablo 2 remaster.

Again if you want personal loot play by yourself in a game with a password. As it always was in Diablo II

I wholeheartedly disagree. Live and let live. I bought the original Diablo and Hellfire expansion when they came out and played them a ton. Diablo was a great game at the time. Afterwards, I bought the collector’s editions of both D2 and LoD expansion. At the time, it was my favorite game and I played it a ton.

Needless to say, I could see that the original diablo and D2 were imperfect games. When D2 released, you could bot respec your characters. I personally thought this was a terrible decision in terms of game design. I am glad that it later changed to allow respecs.

The personal loot system is not why D3 itemization is a problem. I think you are confucing an association with evidence of causality.

This is true for some players; however, many players prefer playing a class or 2. Without “smart loot”, this is a big issue for these players. You are trying to extrapolate from your personal experience broadly when it does not apply to many.

No one is getting rid of global loot in my suggestion. At player creation, those can choose global loot or personal loot. Aftwerwards, you play with the other characters of the same selection.

So you want to remove choice so that your friend’s game is less enjoyable.

The issue of population density could be relevant; however, you forget that we are now using global server. Previously, the player population was split between US east and west and international servers. Did you complain then that regional servers split the population? Global servers will increase population density, but it will also create other issues.

This analogy is awful let me explain why.

#1 the two people at Five Guys ordering different food can still sit at the same table and eat together.

In your version of diablo 2 global/single player loot system they can’t sit at the same table.

#2 Your analogy fails to add in the fact that to get the hot dog player 2 has to go to a completely different store then player one which is to far away for player 1 and player two to meet up and eat the food together.

#3 The Five guys that sells hamburgers has lost a lot of business lately because their customer base has been split in half due to there being two five guys near each other with different menus. So Store #1 has to shutdown due to a dwindling customer base and Player one is forced to eat hotdogs at the other five guys whether he wants to or not.

The goal of D2R until the release, is not to make the game better, but as close as possible to D2, except for

  • bugs, that are working against the player
  • tedious workarounds like mules

There is a lot, that might make D2 a better game. But that is going to be another chapter in either a hypothetical D2R expansion, mods or patches, after everyone had the chance to download the game, and get the original D2 experience in better graphics for some time. Maybe it will also stay as is, but I don’t think so, as I am expecting D2R to go through the roof on release and in that case, Blizzard is going to pay a lot of attention to it.

Correct. They both are happy at their different “meat” tables because there are other people who will sit at the table with them. There will be a hamburger table and a hotdog table. No one forces the pro-hamburger crowd to eat hot dogs and vice versa.

If player 1 and 2 are real life friends, then they can collectively choose to eat hamburgers or hot dogs.

The menu is the same at all five guys in that they offer all hamburgers and hot dogs. Players selected what they prefer. Prior to the change, hot dog only players never eat at five guys, resulting in less revenue/customers.

Your idea of dwindling customers only applies if you do not have a diversified menu.

Just apply what I wrote to the hardcore community. This is a “split” community. Eliminating a choice would result in less players/customers.

There is no Live and Let Live, this is a fight literally to maintain the core of what made diablo II so special.

Perfection isn’t required to be a fun enjoyable experience. In fact Imperfection is often required to provide a contrast to make an experience fun.

Again I am going to quote the matrix.

"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered, where everyone would be happy? It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your “perfect world”. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. So the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. "

and the Original Game devs made that decision which makes it ok. If the Original game devs removed global loot again it would be ok. But they didn’t and I just know that they wouldn’t.

No I am just pointing out that Diablo 3 has a personal loot system and it sucks. Why exactly D3’s personal loot system sucks doesn’t matter. Personal loot systems bring with them a whole slew of issues, and D3 tried it’s best to fix those issues and imo they failed miserably.

I sincerely doubt that the majority of people who play diablo 3 only ever play one class. Because even loot that drops for your second class would have customized stats in the wrong places. You would get a Crusader item with Intelligence as the main stat because you were on a Intelligence class. You couldn’t even share loot between your own characters.

Blah Blah Blah and I have already said a THOUSAND TIMES Seperating the Player base into Six different player bases is moronic.

No I want to remove the choice so that the two friends don’t have multiple player bases to choose from in the first place. And if it’s either or it’s always going to be keep it as it was.

Yes I did, and It was one of the things that I rejoiced for when they said that it was something they were going to do away with. I had many friends who had characters on Servers I had no characters on and the other way around.

Splitting the player base back than was important due to limitations in bandwidth and server space blah blah blah but it’s not now and there is no reason to split the player base like that any more.

Yes Most notably the addition of gold sellers, but a larger population density is much better then a smaller one. The negatives that come with splitting the player base too much are massive.

You risk separating friends who want to play together and we already have enough of that.

As it is we already have multiple splits in the player base without your global/single loot system added into the mix.

We already have 3 game modes, and now we have 4 different systems the game will be on.

That is 12 different splits in the population already.

With your additional Three added from two different loot systems that brings the grand total to 24 different player bases.

Now Granted due to Cross Progression the Few people who have Multiple Systems can Still play with the few friends on those multiple systems they own. But that Form of Cross Play is limited at best to people who own the correct Consoles/PC to play with their buddy and still may not work. If I own a Nintendo Switch a PC and a XBOX but all my friend has is a PS5 then we are still out of luck.

And even in this situation you would still have to pay for every version of the game on every system you want to try to cross progress to.

No it’s not because you have already said that the Single loot players won’t play with the Global loot players. Or are you backtracking on this one because you realize it’s stupid?

Yes and in the process one person is forced to choose something they don’t want. A choice which doesn’t exist in the current game.

Global loot remains if you select that. Players choose global loot or personal loot. If you think that is what makes D2 special, choose global loot. The game willbe like D2.

Also, you are defining what makes D2 special for others. Players have different ideas on this. I never considered global loot to be D2 “magic”.

but the original game creator stated that he prefers personal loot now. It is one of the things that Brevik would change in D2.

A surprisingly large percent focus on one or few classes. I once looked at over 100posters in a thread that was controversial. Strikingly, the players for were highly biased in only playing a single (or few) classes.

Global loot back then was likely due to technical constraints. 20 years later those technical constraints do not exist.

This is reality no mater the loot drop method.

It is 2 not 3.

So are you now saying that D2R should only release on PC to force people who prefer consoles to buy PC.

So your solution is to remove freedom of choice in favor of homogeneity. I prefer diversity and options. I think you forget that the choice is not to buy/play the game altogether.

D2 has lasted 20 years with shared loot, and on top of that it is getting it’s own remaster with D2: R. So, I wouldn’t see why D2: R wouldn’t last another 20+ years with the same shared loot as original D2. I understand a change, or QoL is needed for some things in D2, but shared loot is something that needs to stay the same in D2: R. I am not against the fact of personal loot because I love playing D3 as well, but I believe a D2 remaster needs to stay shared loot! :slight_smile:

Correct. My suggestion does not remove shared loot. It provides a second option.

I understand that, but the original D2 never provided a second option for personal loot. So, with that said I believe shared loot should be the only option in D2: R as well.

The game is 20 years old. It is getting updated. Why not provide more options to accommodate both old school and modern gamers in D2R? Personal loot is now the gold standard in aRPGs.

I said the Development Team not one man.

Anecdotal evidence at best.

I doubt it Final Fantasy 11 Online is an mmo that came out in May 16, 2002 and it had a very intricate loot system with rolls and options to change how the loot dropped even offered the ability to master loot where one person assigns the loot to individuals.

D2 Patch 1.10 was released October 28, 2003

No it’s not really. Because as of right now only one loot option exists which means there is only one choice.

I know things are getting confusing for you but keep up. There are Three current splits in the game Harcore, Ladder, and Non Ladder. Your two choices cause Three to be added because each of the existing three get split into two.

Nope not sure where you got that stupid Idea, I am just explain why splitting the Player base into 24 different communities is idiotic. The current number of 12 is already a lot. We don’t need an additional 12 splits.

There is no Freedom of choice being removed, your talking about adding a choice where their currently is none. Then your going on about it being removed like it was already there to begin with when it’s not.

A second Option which effectively splits the Player base into 36 Separate communities…

Currently, there is hardcore, non-season in D2. In my vision, there would be

  1. hardcore, non-season, global loot
  2. hardcore, non-season personal loot

It is a two way split not 3.

If we consider that there are far more than 2 regional servers, so in net the playerbase is less divided than D2 previously.

Just because something is old doesn’t mean it needs to be fixed.

the very fact that this game is 20 years old and still loved by so many is proof of that.

Let me outline it for you.

1 Hardcore, Non Season Global Loot Playstation
2 Hardcore, Non Season Global Loot Nintendo Switch
3 Hardcore, Non Season Global Loot PC
4 Hardcore, Non Season Global Loot Xbox
5 Hardcore, Non Season personal Loot Playstation
6 Hardcore, Non Season personal Loot Nintendo Switch
7 Hardcore, Non Season personal Loot PC
8 Hardcore, Non Season personal Loot Xbox
9 Hardcore, ladder Global Loot Playstation
10 Hardcore, ladder Global Loot Nintendo Switch
11 Hardcore, ladder Global Loot PC
12 Hardcore, ladder Global Loot Xbox
13 Hardcore, ladder personal Loot Playstation
14 Hardcore, ladder personal Loot Nintendo Switch
15 Hardcore, ladder personal Loot PC
16 Hardcore, ladder personal Loot Xbox
17 Softcore, Non Season Global Loot Playstation
18 Softcore, Non Season Global Loot Nintendo Switch
19 Softcore, Non Season Global Loot PC
20 Softcore, Non Season Global Loot Xbox
21 Softcore, Non Season personal Loot Playstation
22 Softcore, Non Season personal Loot Nintendo Switch
23 Softcore, Non Season personal Loot PC
24 Softcore, Non Season personal Loot Xbox
25 Softcore, ladder Global Loot Playstation
26 Softcore, ladder Global Loot Nintendo Switch
27 Softcore, ladder Global Loot PC
28 Softcore, ladder Global Loot Xbox
29 Softcore, ladder personal Loot Playstation
30 Softcore, ladder personal Loot Nintendo Switch
31 Softcore, ladder personal Loot PC
32 Softcore, ladder personal Loot Xbox

yeah i would love for all the attack skills to have some viability at least in pvm.

Even without global/personal loot, there are 4 options in your example. With personal loot/global loot it is 8 options. 8/4=2

That was what I was correcting. You claimed it was 3 and not 2.

I Love this that’s SO True In thee Original D2 The stupid Bot would just Tele Instantly Ontop of what ever Loot had Dropped & if you were LUCKY you Might have grabbed 1 Good Item When Baal Died, Sadness =(
This Resonates Home!!!

no your right I am wrong it’s more then 3 because I left out Hardcore ladder it’s actually 4 added.

Because it splits every current split again. you are trying to say it only adds two because you only want to look at one version of the game. I am looking at all 4 that currently exist and am pointing out you are creating 4 extra splits in an already split game.

Hardcore ladder, Hardcore, Softcore Ladder and Softcore are all already individual communities. Your addition of “2” would in actuality add four extra splits in diablo 2’s community just on one version of the game.

Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch, and PC all are already split because there is no cross play. Which means you further split the community into 8 for each version.

The math is simple 4 + 4 * 4 = 32 community splits where there was oringally only 16

You are trying to say that at it’s core you are only adding two game modes but that is a fallacy. The addition of a second loot choice would in fact add 16 distinct game modes to the current 16.

1 Hardcore, Non Season Global Loot Playstation
2 Hardcore, Non Season Global Loot Nintendo Switch
3 Hardcore, Non Season Global Loot PC
4 Hardcore, Non Season Global Loot Xbox
5 Hardcore, Non Season personal Loot Playstation
6 Hardcore, Non Season personal Loot Nintendo Switch
7 Hardcore, Non Season personal Loot PC
8 Hardcore, Non Season personal Loot Xbox
9 Hardcore, ladder Global Loot Playstation
10 Hardcore, ladder Global Loot Nintendo Switch
11 Hardcore, ladder Global Loot PC
12 Hardcore, ladder Global Loot Xbox
13 Hardcore, ladder personal Loot Playstation
14 Hardcore, ladder personal Loot Nintendo Switch
15 Hardcore, ladder personal Loot PC
16 Hardcore, ladder personal Loot Xbox
17 Softcore, Non Season Global Loot Playstation
18 Softcore, Non Season Global Loot Nintendo Switch
19 Softcore, Non Season Global Loot PC
20 Softcore, Non Season Global Loot Xbox
21 Softcore, Non Season personal Loot Playstation
22 Softcore, Non Season personal Loot Nintendo Switch
23 Softcore, Non Season personal Loot PC
24 Softcore, Non Season personal Loot Xbox
25 Softcore, ladder Global Loot Playstation
26 Softcore, ladder Global Loot Nintendo Switch
27 Softcore, ladder Global Loot PC
28 Softcore, ladder Global Loot Xbox
29 Softcore, ladder personal Loot Playstation
30 Softcore, ladder personal Loot Nintendo Switch
31 Softcore, ladder personal Loot PC
32 Softcore, ladder personal Loot Xbox

It is a factor of 2. I never claimed otherwise. So you claim there are 32 D2R splits using my system. Without it, there are 16 D2R splits.

For PC, D2 has 6 splits when ignoring server region. Currently there are four servers = 24 divisions across the four servers. For PC, my idea results in 12 divisions which is half the 24 for PCs currently.

May I suggest an experiment. Login to the Asia server in a multiplayer game. See how easy it is to get item loot by fast clicking. The D2R PC server will be global.

4 + 4 * 4 = 20
(4 + 4) * 4= 32