Class Changes We All Support

Leap is already the defacto utility skill, so it makes sense that Leap Attack is an actual attack skill that can be build defining. I agree with you on the synergy with WW.


And then there is also the fireblast trap skill for assassins that would take… 140 points to max out. :man_facepalming: Some things simply cannot be maxed out and instead offer you lots of choices to be used as the synergy. I like options and customizability, so I view this as a good thing.

I have a bigger gripe with synergies like “2% more damage per level” (I’m looking at you, frozen orb!). Might as well have no synergies like whirlwind…

My biggest gripe is synergy points in useless skills with no other options (like the new find potion synergy and increased stamina synergy added to barbarians :rage:).


notice how i didn’t call leap attack a utility skill, i called it supplementary. I actually use it quite a bit in the current state - it’s pretty good at taking down single monsters, like unravalers. It’s good to be used in conjuction with some other skill, and it has lots of use already - just no reason to put >1 points in it.

Find potion and increased stamina needs a complete overhaul. Slapping on a few synergies is a bandaid approach to fixing useless skills. These skills need SOMETHING that will encourage players to invest points into, maybe something along the line of:

  • Find Potion - now replenishs additional X% to healing/mana/rejuvation potions per level (makes potions stronger)

  • Increased Stamina - now adds passive bonus to faster hit recovery per level (better recovery from being stunned)


While I agree that all those skills need a buff (Hydra needs it the least, but it’s still a bit behind), I don’t like these:

If mages did enough dmg, Lower Resist would be used to boost them anyway. That’s redoundant and unnecessary. They just have to buff the base mage.

Why does Hydra need to be a Hybrid skill? I’m not against or for it, just neutral. But I wonder why Hydra… we already have Firewall, and now technically also Inferno.

I honestly agree we should limit skills to two synergys, better build diversity


Hydra dmg is fine, problem is lack of AOE and not useful without 80 points invested wich makes moot because fireball is better and have AOE. As a 60 point 5% dmg it would be amazing dmg (around 8 seconds baal kills) and would be perfect with stuff like frost orb. Much better distribution, much better play with dual element.

And why would we have leap and leap attack if the attack just sucks. Make only leap or only atttack if we dont want to use the attack.

As a last part, id say we should have 2 synergies and 3 synergies skills only. The first as a support dmg skill, usually single target, with good dmg and hybridization. The second for Build defining skills.

ahh yes because a Chain Lightning + Blizzard Sorc doesn’t sound OP at all.

They would have to completely rebalance every skill in the game to do that.

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You realize that I’m just talking synergies, not masteries, it would be hard to max out all of that sufficiently to be super good at both. as you only have 110 skill point. Invest 60 into blizzard and its synergies another 10 for mastery. your left with 40 skill points for chain lightning and it’s synergies and it’s mastery.

You are implying that skills need to be maxed to be good. They don’t.

Blizz / Fireball is already a commonly used build. With your suggested changes the same could be then done with Blizz / Lightning or CL.

That’s why my second sentence was, “They would have to completely rebalance every skill in the game to do that.”


You’re right, Lower Resist would be redundant and not necessary. They should just buff the base mage.

My thoughts are multi-element mages are fun and just trying to increase build diversity and give players more options.

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It’s easy to farm, and have more areas to farm whit hybrid specs. And it just more fun covering areas whit different elemental spells.:smiley:

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not the point. Fire already has 2 possible hybrid spells. Frost only has 1, Lighting has 1. Why does fire need 3 hybrid spells?

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I don’t think hybrids can have limitatons or tied to certain elements. You can mix and mach how ever you want that’s the nice thing. Or I just don’t understand what you try to say.:sweat_smile:

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you are limited to the spells with the least amount of synergies, like Frozen Orb.

OP wants to make Hydra work like Frozen Orb. It is literally the entire argument.

But fire already has Fire Wall and Inferno with low synergies. All this change to Hydra would do is eliminate Fire Wall hybrid builds, and never let the newlly buffed Inferno get even tested in ladder.

Really this is not true at all, you can currently go hydra+charge bolt and be completely viable even at P8 and have amazing clear speed at P1, but the gear is expensive (build around griffon, phoenix monarch, infinity merc).

I will definitely run this in 2.4 non ladder because it’s hella fun off meta build.

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It will eliminate fire wall and inferno regardless, because Hydra is still a much more iconic and comfortable skill.

It’s such a useless skill, not to mention it looks so bad… What do you imagine an “inferno” looks like? Why doesn’t it look brutal? Like Firestorm, something huge with at least some “wow” factor instead of a pitiful stream. Maybe inferno should of more been like an aura, or like nova with fire.

Ie- inferno can do a billion damage and I would still not use it solely because of how it looks.