odd Im playing currently after the same issue.
Ok, well the post was created an hour ago, so you’re wrong about how long it lasted. Also, it’s still happening, so you’re wrong that it’s over. 0/2, care to make any more guesses?
yeah it is still ongoing.
yep still can’t create a game on NA.
don’t worry though if enough of us activate the lobby gem, this will all go away (right?)
Really odd then as I am in NA and playing fine. I just did not log out to queue I just stayed in character select maybe thats the issue.
Same issue…I try to create a game just for me and it stalls on “creating game…”, then errors out. Then when I try to recreate the game it says the name already exists, so I try to join and it says its a Full Game
try to switch region to europe, its what i did and now i can continue my farming of my 3 rare friends
I cant create a game on my laptop for the same reason, and on my PC I crash within 1 min of being in any game I do manage to create which always leads to me dying. This has been an issue for the last 24 hours…
This worked for me! TY!
Same crap here. Been going on for half hour+ or so for me.
same here… but if you just select Europe region and not American it works fine.
Yeah, I can’t either (it tries for 30 seconds then returns the standard infuriating “lol check your internet” message). Ping is also terribly high if I ever do manage to create a game (teleport is super wonky right now)
Cannot create. While you are at it, lower game creation/join timers.
Well, lost some items trying to do a transfer… come on blizz
Where are my clown shoes for paying for this shiz?
Gamers that complain about dedicated servers are finally reaping what they sowed. This is EXACTLY why dedicated servers are bad. You are at the mercy of the quality of those servers. I prefer the good old days where your connection was relative to the distance of the other players. That’s why we had regions. I’ve played countless games where gamers begged the company for dedicated servers and I find it hilarious reading posts like this calling Blizzard’s servers “trash”. You can’t please everyone clearly
ya I’m getting the internet connection problem again many times i have to reset game and app to get into a game every time some type of bug
Well with the recent news of their stock market dropping fast… why would they care
I was kicked out of game and now even after restarting the client, I get an error when creating game - says 88 seconds till I can create a game, then gives the error again and says 88 seconds. Fun.
Error creating game messages, etc. for last hour+