Can we get an "official" Blue comment on the Cold Mastery change?

Yeah, the same line mentioned Conviction, Lower Resists and Amp Damage. How is this helping the argument you are making, when the patch notes clearly lump those skills together, yet for 20 years they behaved differently?
That said, a class breaking immunities is not something new. But if that’s the case, cold mastery should not stack with conviction - even stacking both you should not be mowing down cold immunes. They should still be hard to kill, just like they are for necros and paladins handling their own immunes.

A LOT of monsters have partial resist, but not immunity. Pretty much all Hell monsters have a blanket 25% to 33% resist to all elements, even without specific affinities. Cold Mastery is good far beyond 17 points.

Cold mastery Never actually worked In D2Lod, It didn’t increase your damage or reduce Monsters Resist in any way My Ideal on this is It’s working as Intended BUT the BUG is The Immune On the name tag of the Monsters aren’t Coming off so they still say immune even when broken.

Because a later patch (1.10) also mentioned that conviction and lower resist could penetrate resistances and mentioned cold mastery being more powerful by being constant amount which was a huge buff to it, but it still couldn’t pen resistance.

I didn’t say breaking immunities was new. The difference is cold sorc does considerably more elemental damage to entire rooms than a necro or paladin does.

A lot of the monsters who have permanent cold immunity are of no actual importance in the game; “Snapchip Chatter,” in the Drifter Cavern is a super unique of no importance and neither is any of his frozen ilk. They will not prevent you from completing the game and are not part of most effective magic find runs. The Maggot Queen is cold immune but you can just open the chest beside her, grab the staff, and continue on your quest. The Oblivion Knights in the Chaos Sanctuary are always cold immune but there are so few of them compared to Doom Knights and Venom Lords that a merc can handle them on his own where the Fire Sorc is runs out of luck. Even Shenk and Eldritch can easily be taken out with a strong mercenary. When you finally have to deal with Baal the only natural cold immunity comes from the Cold Mages in the second wave and again a strong merc with “Cannot be frozen” can take care of them. Really it’s difficult to find any spot where a cold sorc cannot manage to overcome or bypass the situation where Fire sorceress’s flat out cannot get past The Chaos Sanctuary or three of the Baall waves for that matter.

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I hope it was an intentional change. Maybe then I can play some areas instead of skipping 80% of hells content.


You speak as though cold sorcs were not already the best class to start the game with by a massive margin, and still a top contender when considering end game gear…

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Personally, the Attack rating needs to be buffed. Its incredibly unfair to melee users that they should miss 50% of their attacks. Also they do not crowd control characters so frenzy barbs, fury druids and zealots just really suffer where most classes do not. I quit my zelaot because I put forth more effort and gear just to be outclassed by casters simply because they hit each time and I hit 80% of the time.

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This , I suspect, is the NHAM bug, rather than a problem with AR.

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NHAM has been fixed from what I heard. COuld be though. My attack rating still says 80% miss on a lot of hell mobs. So its still kinda messed up for a lvl 80 pallly to be missing act 1 hell normal units. My gear is budget but its by no means lacking in attack rating. I get 1k from angelic ring+ amulet, Im wearing an honor as a weapon, and I got charms too. Its just never enough though.

It is not fixed. I guarantee you. Still very much alive.

No, it absolutely is an issue with attack rating. Physical classes must stack a large amount of AR to have a decent chance to hit things in Hell, even without NHAM.
Monster health and defenses were massively increased in patch 1.10. In that patch synergies became a thing, which were supposed to compensate for said increased difficulty.

Problem was, melee synergies are quite weak and are still subject to missing, while casters got significantly more powerful synergy and have zero chance to miss. The only problems they can run into are immunes.

it’s not so easy to break the cold immunes, you need to be at 150% which is skill level 30 which you cant reach without good gear

The irony is, they also introduced immunities in that patch. But yeah, if it’s an AR issue, that’s a simple fix, too.

Ill have to look into it. That may be making the problem worse. I run a holy freeze zealot and not a fanaticism. I really do not want to nerf my meager crowd control just to hit a little more.

I might just give up on zealot though and go a smiter if I do not find a solution. Not a fan of hammers either. I dont want to be a paladin who wears a necro wand lmfao.

My phyz bowzon right now has 3678 attack rating at level 71 with level 16 penetrate. That’s 185% increased attack rating, then I have Mahim Oak Curio which is another 10% increased attack rating and 10 dex. She has 231 dex total which is a pretty massive investment for attack rating.

With all that she still has only 78% chance to hit things in level 80 areas.
I can only imagine it would be much worse for a class without penetrate to inflate attack rating so easily.

Oof thats rough. Especially since you have all that dex invested.

Yeah, and I see this, as a designer, as simply a problem with AR. Probably need to boost AR +50%, which is most easily done by increasing the +AR synergies on classes that need more Attack Rating. Zeal, Fend, whatever. That’s the work of a moment.

It was quite a deliberate choice in 1.10. They were trying to make the game harder, and they partially succeeded.

Unfortunately they only succeeded in making it harder for physical builds, caster builds actually became significantly stronger.

Yes, but if AR was increased to make hitting monsters far more practical, you’d have an easier time of it.

Ideally, Fast Cast =/= Attack Rating. They work in different, but similar ways. More stuff connecting. If Fast Cast >> Attack Rating, just buff Attack rating somewhere along the line so melee classes connect more. Restore the balance!