Blizzard your PC "games list" DOES NOT WORK!

Guys we should all just be thankful!

Don’t you all have phones? Lets get hyped for Diablo Immortal!!

Besides, we can just go play the old Diablo 2 client anytime!!

Just delete your characters why would you even have 20 characters anyways? Lol everyone must be hoarders!!

Hey…where did everyone go? :frowning:

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Llama posted a video with identical issues here: DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED CHANGES I WANT TO SEE - Lobbies - YouTube one year ago… And sadly because of all of the valid lobby issue complaints both in the video and in this post I will not be playing this ladder season. I’m going to continue to play D3 and I might sub Warcraft for a month. An HD remake should always be better, not worse off. Especially during a league/ladder.

I just started playing the remake myself, and I was kind of blown away that the list was so busted. Only displaying a handful of games, and no way to filter the list to at least see games you might be looking for.

It’s pretty embarrassing that one of the most fundamental features of the game is this broken. It’s a good thing I’m having fun playing by myself, because there doesn’t seem to be any way for people to join my games.


That’s because they can’t see your game just like you can’t see theirs.

Chicken and the Egg mew.

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This was posted only 2 days after launch, and it’s the exact same experience I was having. It literally took me 30 minutes to find a Baal game when in reality there would have been hundreds of Baal games to join.


Also how many times in the last 7+ months have I mentioned how bad it is. Why can’t there be 1 - 2 people designated for lobby QOL and fixes? It’s literally been requested on this feedback forum for the last 7+ months for christs sake.

I’m curious as to why someone can’t read my (and others) feedback and say “yeah that makes sense, let’s work on that”, instead it’s:

“f*** that loser”. It doesn’t make any sense.

yea it is that disconnect issue again, and we are talking 2nd of the patch 2.4

If they don’t roll out game filters and a way to cut out 7 hour afk games from the list in 2.5, I don’t know if I’ll keep playing. The games list is so so so important…

This is beyond bad.


I just want this horrible regional games list gone. It is literally ruining online play for me. Most of the games I see are “QC” as in Quebec…I dont speak french and just like when the game launched, its populated with bad players, and its hard to find any games…2 days into ladder. Cant even find A1 norm andy…wtf

I see 3-4 hour old games with no one in them in my lobby list XD.

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Well those guys arent ruling class right? So they actually care and want to make a decent product.

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Even the Reddit community is starting to talk about this more frequently.

How can one take “competitive” ladder seriously when you can’t even find a god damn Baal or Cow run in an instant like you can on PD2 (or the original game utilizing chat channels)?

Seriously, if I logged on to D2R right now and went to go look for a Baal run, I’m at the MERCY of the game list to show me the EXACT game I’m looking for in a sea of dead trade games, old games, and random trade games that will populate a list of hold your breath TWENTY GAMES!

This ladder season is tainted. Maybe next Season will be worth a try.

F*** sake mate, if Blizzard doesn’t want to play the game so they know how frustratingly bad it is, then at least listen to the people kind enough to provide the feedback.

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I’ve basically played solo the whole time and got my sorceress to lv 68 almost alone.


i personally give up, i played hard first 2 days but this game is outdated and the developers dropped the ball on so many things. I cannot stand the potions taking up my space anymore, collecting chipped gems to transmute a rune, the millions of baal runs, the lack of fresh content/dungeons/bosses/, runes/gems/potions that do not stack! , the horrid lobby, the botting, the JSP bullcrap, the lack of a proper trading site… Let me know when these developers grow up and get this game under control, for now there are much better ways to enjoy D2 such as POD and PD2 in my opinion or just play a better game like POE.


i would recommend joing a discord or bnet group, only way you gonna find any runs. I have one and we have a partner discord that all they do is host SC runs. Google D2R discords

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perhaps you should let us know a group so we may join it. =D

Because they’re not playing. lol
Can’t fix stupid.

you can join mine if you like, we also have an #ourpartners section. I cannot post an invite link here, add Jaredk21#1150 or look up lords of terror discord on google. here is the discord ID # as well - 936844307615338526 plenty of D2R players, we also play d2 mods and other Arpg games like POE, last epoch, grim dawn etc. We are partner with a solid group that discord is dedicated to D2R runs like cows, baal, chaos etc

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I’ve been saying this for months – not fixing the game list will destroy ladder. Why blizzard is not allocating a major force to get this done asap is beyond me. They seem to treat it like a side issue. Pezradar suggested they “might” expand the list later on or something. As if they weren’t sure for some godforsaken reason.

There are thousands upon thousands of players playing at any given moment.

Your idea that no one plays this game is ridiculous, it’s quite popular.

What’s broken is the lobby system. Can’t see games that are in fact there.

Even reddit has had enough with this garbage games list.

If the devs put in more dedicated chat channels from the start, people would have used those to find games (as we did in the original game) rather than relying solely on the game list.

/cows was a dedicated chat channel for finding cow games in an instant. The channel was ALWAYS full and went up to /cows30. There were thousands of players looking to play cows.

That’s how the game is meant to be played. It’s a grind. Having only an archaic, laggy, unfiltered game list to work off of is pure dumbassery.

Can I make it any clearer than that? Can we get the game to play at its fullest potential for once? How was ladder released in this state?

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