AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

well in my discord i’m the only one that cant play. the only one i know of anyway

So I’m just wondering … are the IT employees going to be working on this overnight or are they already in bed working from home?


no se agan a la idea de que nos daran algo como compensacion por lo ocurrido, porque estoy seguro de que eso no va a ocurrir, ademas en el supuesto caso de que sucediera seria insignificante y careceria de valor en comparacion con tantas horas de juego perdidas, tiempo e ilusion por ser el primer dia.

Cuz, asleep for sure…

Eta has been mentioned multiple time… later today, or early tomorrow. It is looking like tomorrow BTW, because they are still dealing with sever issues.

I have tested everything:
Updated drivers
No background apps
Reinstalled the game
Rebooted the pc
My pc does meet the requirements
not sure what else to do and still getting the same error: Play > Launching > Playing > Back to play. I want to play, anyone knows how to resolve that?

please do not compare apples with pears. Patching a server that runs all day with identical hardware is fundamentally different from x combinations of CPU / RAM / GPU on the client side.

Nothing can resolve this, no AVX support by your CPU like all of us here. So just wait for the patch fix.

Right now there is no resolution. You have to wait for a patch like the rest of us.

Yeah, prepare to start a public norm game and a lv89 sorc comes in and rushed you to act 5 like you just start playing at mid ladder


Soon™… the real nostalgia ^^

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Oh! I see thank you!

so what about how its like 10 hours later and the patch still isn’t working for some of us, who are being told our gear doesn’t match up with sysreq even though, it should without question handle this?

just fixed mine by checking my sound and restoring settings I to have a realtech audio chip. I saw an earlier post saying turning off realtech audio chip fixed there problem. I didn’t turn off just a restore of the settings in sound did it for me.

Millennials cant work more than 8 hours, they are in bed. All we can do is hope there is a night shift haha

Yeah, wait for the patch that we are all waiting for here :wink:

there is no patch yet. it is being made

I can’t wait for Metroid Dread…I know it will work on day one

I bet in ~12hours we’ll be OK

can we get confirmation that at least the IT team is working on the fix currently. If they went to sleep WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW SO WE DON’T WASTE OUR TIME STAYING UP.