AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)


Thanks for the update.
Please give us an update with an ETA as soon as you can.

It is kinda annoying not to be able to use something you payed for, because of a reason what was not specified. Having a PC with 2 xeon cpu, 96GB of RAM and a decend 8GB GPU should somehow meet the minimum requirements, even if it is an old setup.

Thanks for your support. Keep it up!


You actually have that much RAM? That’s insane :astonished:

omg that was my first reaction too

If AVX is the cause and “System Requirements” do not fix it, can I still get a refund?


Many things to note here:

  • System requirements say i3 is minimun requirement and I have a i7-950, wich is better in terms of benchmark (but sadly doesn’t support avx, so it’s a trick question there)
  • How come D2R BETA had run on my pc flawlessly without avx support, but live client won’t? did they add that last minute? I can’t understand
  • I will have to check for every new game that comes out, even if I have the latest GPU, if the game has or not avx for it to run on my pc? Cyberpunk came out without avx support and then they added it on a patch later.

Props to the team that is working hard on this, much love, I won’t refund until if a later patch solves the issue :slight_smile:


I played Beta on this computer, no problem. Same thing, cant get the game to launch. So disappointed in Blizzard.

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I just think its nuts you spent most of the day blaming the systems of the players. This is why no one wants to bother with Blizzard products anymore. I can’t play a game I paid for 3 months ago on a literal brand new PC lmao. Windows up to date, Nvidia drivers updated for D2R, I7 10900, 2060 and you try and blame literally everything but yourselves. I understand that most responding in here are customer support but as the amount of reports coming in for these issues it literally took you half the day to take responsibility thats its something on your end.


guys… we have to wait for a hotfix, nothing more to say…


Wowie restart for the 20th time, patch from Blizz, game instantly works now. Glad you guys were able to fix the issue on my end :^)

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it seems more a cold hotfix after 6 hours and still no clear word what is the real cause

System requirements is such a bullcrap stat anyways. It really does not mean anything in relation of CPUs Or GPUs. There are so many models that faster than some newer ones. What I want to know if this game will EVER run on my Phenom II? I’ll just refund otherwise.

No patch for me available and still not working

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You have to have watched the Simu Lu trailer before the game works

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Man and just think……a large majority of people are still at work. Wait until the crowd gets off and goes off!strong text

This is wrong, no update.


No patch for europe client yet

To you folks telling us “calm down” and “be patient”. You’re not helping. We’re already really frustrated and we don’t need your comments. Some of us are going to vent on Blizzard for messing up yet another launch. Ignore it and move on. Blizzard, get your ever loving **** together. Please. Or at least throw us an Error 37 so we can have a smile.

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Same here, wont start. AMD Phenom 2 x4 965

it would have been clever if they did it on purpose to prevent the servers from exploding in the first couple hours. Then “fix” the avx issue to let others in later.

Just me be crazy though.

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dude. calm down. be patient. lol sorry