AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

exactly, and AVX should have been in the minimum Spec, but isnt in either. thats why we upset and blizz is sweating

Drakuloth? That you??

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Nah, i think the next update will be either that the fix failed in QA, again, or passed and we’re getting it soon. If the fix they made friday is real and they didn’t just string us along anyway.

they should develop two build of wich people can choose … 5head

Bold of you to assume they have enough devs working on this to work on two separate builds at the same time when they can’t even put together a working automated system of getting people’s character unstuck lol.

They are aware of this issue, the team is working on it.

I am glad i have another rig. Checked avx hypothesis. Game runs without any troubles on my laptop. Although, my laptop has cpu that supports avx even avx2 instruction set, discrete GF950M GPU, it has only 6GB RAM. Also, I had to setup game on hdd not ssd, so the overall performance is total kitten (buy some code performance optimization courses for your devs!). I am still waiting when they rollout that kitten patch.

The ten brain solution was to bring the extra server hardware in 3 weeks ago so that they don’t have to commit fraud by writing an AVX req in on Wednesday night at 3am. This wreaks of desperate server protection and every single tweet, reddit response or blue post here has indicated that they full shat the bed… The up issues are so bad that they are keeping us intentionally locked out. They are working harder to keep this AVX thing out of the press than they are at “fixing it”


Have they released D2R on D2 last patch 1.13 i think it was? Where all char skill are buffed in % all mobs nerfed and all high runes drop 24/7? Hope not

This AVX will be epic prepare your nerves with booze it helps. :slightly_smiling_face:

nono, if u read my last 420 posts you would see that i am guessing that they have either a super low budget (less devs, etc less people) or well … yes im sure they dont have the capacitiy they would need / want

D2R release! Featuring the B-Team!

Yeah i also assume this was just pushed out to make their quarter earnings call look good for the shareholders. They probably have as few people as possible on it and moved as many as they can afford to the other current dumpsterfire, WoW.

And us… we’re such a small bleep on the radar that i doubt they’d bring in extra manpower to get this fixed when they weren’t able to do it for the issue with people getting stuck for 20+ hours that was happening even to streamers and making them look back

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already open, maryjane is also here … and D2:LoD with PlugY & BaseMod is already running


I guess I don’t understand why they did this with the production release. I was able to play the beta just fine.

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pray for blizzard? xD

pray for us!


I bet you Leroy is involved somehow…

Still no news on twitter guys?

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I Pray for a peaceful solution, where everyone is happy and healthy :pray:

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Stopped looking at Twitter, all the devs are bragging about getting the’re first char through hell and how nostalgic it was

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