Aus/NZ Group - Looking for more

Hey All,

We have a crew of about 10+ active people playing daily and some are grinding to 99. We are all Aus/NZ… Thought I’d throw up a post if anyone from down under wants to join so you can partake in the banter and private quick runs :slight_smile:

LMK. Happy to provide discord


Hey bud, Aussie player here mostly on switch. Is your group PC only? Cheers :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey got a group also. Interested to play with more lmk details

NZder here would love to play with other in same time zone, may i have discord link plse

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Hey I’m based in Oz , can I also get a discord link please.

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Cant post link here, add me on discord with anove tag and ill invite
We pvp alot but also do pvm

Are you referring to the same discord as OP?
I bnet added you, trying to get the link to the aussie group

Hi there, I’d love to be included if you guys still play