Anni charms are popping up

Looks like several anni’s are being traded. How are people getting them? I have not seen one single message of Soj sold.


It was a walk done on a stream coordinated in asia

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I don’t know what this post means.

Yeah, how is Uber Diablo spawned in D2R? Did they lower the amount of Stone of Jordan’s needed? Has there been any official comment on this?

Between 75 and 120 or so SoJs from what I read. But as far as we know, these SOJs won’t be dupes, so anni will almost never spawn.


PapaChrisTV on Twitch organized a soj selling event with sojs purchased with forum gold and had people from his community contribute to the soj counter.

After observing this event, the IP hunting needs to go, and the way to spawn him needs to be changed. I’d rather they do a 0.01% chance to spawn him randomly in your hell game.

Why should we use 3rd party tools to look for IP addresses? It should be fully integrated into the game without the need for work arounds/exploits.

They could just make it a 20% chance to spawn Uber Diablo when you sell a SoJ to charsi to keep the same difficulty factor.

Also you didn’t see a soj message pop up because there are dozens of IP addresses that can be assigned to your game. You probably have a 5% chance to create the same IP address that the guy is selling his SoJ in.


Hol’ up, do we seriously still need to IP hunt him? In 2021 on B. net 2.0?

And why the hell can’t I “include links” in my post? Because it’s GD annoying not being able to type “B…net”


The method of spawning Uber Diablo has zero to do with the difficulty factor. It’s just an inconvenience to players, especially those that aren’t on the right server(s) at the right time. It’s just a flat out stupid way of doing things. There are lots of better ways of spawning him, and if there are no dupes in the economy, there is zero reason to keep using a method that was created to counter the duping that is no longer present.

Type out the full name. It doesn’t filter that as a link. That was changed a few months ago on all of the fora because players were complaining (and rightfully so) when they couldn’t even post traceroutes or MTRs that contained the name because “it contained a link”.


back in the days i fought Dclone without knowing anything about how it works and i didnt sell any SOJs.

gonna take a while before the same type of luck aligns here i guess :wink:

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Yeah I agree, it’s a dumb way to do it in 2021.

I don’t think it should be as simple (or easy) as 1 Soj sold to Charsi = Anni. We have the option of trading (and magic finding) and can buy/find multiple SoJ over months and months. In single player it’s going to be a mountain climb to find a SoJ. I think making it a 1 in 5 chance to spawn him on Soj sell keeps that suspense factor when the screen starts shaking and retains the value it deserves to have as an end game item.

Path of Diablo had a nice way to get Clone to spawn. It was like the same way you use keys, but they added a Diablo soulstone and a chaos key to spawn clone. This event was a one shot try. If you died his room was closed without a way to get back. so you would use all 3 parts a diablo soulstone and chaos key, was alot better than trying to sell Soj’s in hopes of a spawn.


I’d rather have a way we could farm for the materials needed to spawn him on a solo basis while online. Currently you have to be entirely offline to do the single SoJ spawn method, but that doesn’t help solo players online at all. The method they used feels like a “quick and dirty” change that wasn’t thought through very well.


In other words, people are not only still cheating at the game, but they’re doing it using streaming communities too. Cute.


You mean like the Uber Tristram event? That’s not a bad idea. I’d even be okay if it were something like there’s a small % chance of Diablo reviving after you kill him in the sanctuary. This would eliminate the ability to cheese kill him too.

Yeah for some really poor reason they chose to use the IP hunting again which requires going outside the game. Why would you have to go OUTSIDE the game to play the game. Diablo clone basically doesn’t exist for anyone who doesn’t use the netstat command, but now there are extra hurdles because it’s hidden.

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I don’t need Annihilus! But having one is nice. :slight_smile:
Same goes for the torch.

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Yeah having to ip hunt or anything outside of the game for annihilus hunting is so bad. The way blizzard worded it in the past made it sound like it’d be a region wide event now. They should just change it to sell 1 soj to spawn dclone in your game like how single player works or something, because this method is just a mess.


I can’t believe it’s the same exact method as before. It has been discussed a lot and it was obvious the whole time why it must not be done this way but they didn’t listen. Disappointing.


So basically delete 75-125 high runes (1:1 or 2:1 for jah/ber) by selling SoJ’s worth a high rune each (OhM~). In old D2 because of cloning I remember having to trade 20-40 SoJ’s for a single high rune. But now? With no dupes? Forget about it

Yup… seems like a good value for a simple small charm :joy::scream:

Blizzard is using a preventative measure lol

Since they know duping is inevitable, they left the current dclone method in so that it will counter once people start duping SoJs like the old days :rofl:

Just means people will dupe SoJs for Annis and Runes for currency this time around.