Allocating stat points is too slow on console

stat allocation should not be done by holding a button for a second for every stat point.

If you do a respec at high level this takes forever.

We need a feature to assign 10 stat points with one button press or all remaining stat points.


Yes when you have to reset and put 200 points its a pain in the……


Someone for the love of christ fix this pathetic issue. Just respec’d a lvl 88 sorc and it took 15min to define stats/skill points


Do they even know about this issue? It’s incredibly annoying to respec at high level…


its not a bug - its a feature :smiley:

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It is unbelievable! Spend 30 minutes allocating points on as lvl 80 charcter reset…

WHY, Blizzard?!?!?! WHYYYYYY? Change that FAST! PLEASE!

Bump. At least let us tap the points in instead of forced hold button.

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Lvl 93 sorc here. I purchased the game to play on switch when I leave for work and used a respec token. What a mistake that was. I fell asleep assigning stat points.

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