Act 2 Mercenary shows wrong aura

Just a small bug here.
Got Mercenary at Nightmare difficulty with Holy Freeze aura, reached Hell and in Merc tab says that he has Defiance aura, while he’s running with Holy Freeze on


I have this problem too. Please fix it. Btw can someone please guide me on how to start a post? I cant find any button to press to start a topic. Help anyone?

At Bug Report page top right big blue button “+ New Topic”

yes found it! Thank you~

I can confirm this bug. It started to happen in act2 hell but it’s just the interface, so there’re so many gamebreaking bugs right now, I wouldn’t invest time to fix this one at the moment.

The game shows aura of current difficulty, not actual merc. If you have act II normal DEF merc and advance to nightmare it will show frost aura, but it will be DEF aura.

I hired a Prayer mercenary in Normal and it shows Thorns in Nightmare.

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I have the same one. Blue aura below the merc and I’m pretty sure the heal aura works, but on merc tab it shows as Thorns, so only visual bug AFAIK.