Diablo 2 Resurrected Available yet?

Got in now - log out of your Battlenet agent. The, go into Task manager, kill off the Agent.exe process.

Then close Task manager and relog into Battlenet - Play button now available and can start game.

Restarted client, checked for updates, did scan and repair, restarted computer. I’m getting an error and immediate crash

Play button is available, but nothing happens when i click on it.

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Tried running from Diablo 2 folder, restarting, trying a different region. No dice clicking play button just greys out for a bit and then nothing happens. Two friends are in right now no issues.

There is nothing to rush about atm since we can’t create instances…so yes, most are not able to play.

Some players seem to be having success by completely exiting the application. Please remember if you click the “X” button in the top right of the launcher, that only minimizes the Battle.net application. To fully exit the application, right-click on the Battle.net icon on your bottom right-hand toolbar and select “Exit” or kill the task in your Task Manager and restart the application.

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Hi, cant create any game online, EU region…

Hi, cant create any game online, EU region…

Hi Lvariandras, what platform are you?

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My bnet shows Play button but when i click play noting happens


PC, my friend has the same problem, cannot create online game, single player or lobby doesnt matter.

Yes, PC EU atm can’t create instances for 30 mins now.

same. restarted, restarted pc entirely, tried different region, tried scan game files. the button becomes “lauching” then “playing now” then “play” again with no error messages.

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Same here. After clicking on Play button nothing happens. I’m still returning to BNet.

Thank you, we’re investigating now.


Nothing happening. On EU and no download of game. Followed the instructions of course. My friend sitting next to me is playing right now.

Pressing Play button nothing happens… 38 mins in :frowning:

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I get the error “You have not been online in the last 30 days” and cant connect.
Clearly i am online, since i am sending this message.

I have just created my character, I press the play button and that’s all. Sometimes I get a window with no internet connection (my connection is working well, I checked it). I try to restart, but it doen’t working…

Now thw download started. Had to reboot the pc…or just luck.

Did Blizzard set up a string of potatoes as servers, on one of the most anticipated games around?