[2.6 Suggestion] Melee can't compete with casters. Here are some simple ideas to fix that

Drbrunski just posted a vídeo about this post.

Keep it up , we need that kind for the devs to listen.


YOOOOO! That’s amazing!

Thanks for the shout out, dbrunski. Here’s hoping the attention from your video brings some goodness to the game. :slight_smile:

Yes I am here from dbrunski, so cheers to him and cheers to you @crescendo for this list. After a while I just sorta scrolled past the trolls. Some thoughts I wanted to add:

  1. Many people agree with AOE effects. I personally like the leap attack 1/3 weapon damage.

  2. Vengeance feels terrible in it’s current iteration even hero edited to level 44+ it needs some attack frame adjustments. Same with Sacrifice, poison dagger, rabies, etc. I think Attack frame adj. is just moving numbers and playtesting until it feels smooth. Could be wrong. This would open up some insane melee builds. Imagine a sacrifice/might pally with Bonesnap and a bunch of lifetap/steal dealing 1300% damage. Seems fun from a fantasy perspective, lawful evil pally when…

  3. In the same vain as 2. barbarian melee skills feel pitiful I agree with others making skills more AOE. Masteries tab is just bad, idk what to do there.

  4. Summon builds need help. Which are in a way melee builds, just melee by association really. But idk a few of us have thought allowing Deadly strike, CB, open wounds, and on hit effects to apply to your summons might be enough. But then again they may need complete AI overhauls, which I doubt they have any interest in doing.

  5. I reworked a bunch of melee TC87 items in hero editor. Even made a thorns pally that actually was super fun in p8 cows. It wasn’t that hard and it took me about 5 hours to just move around numbers mostly. On hit effects moved up to level 30+. Even without synergies they tickle hell minions, but at least they do SOMETHING.

  6. Defense is stupid. How it works in game. Higher defense makes monsters less likely to hit. doesn’t make any sense from a fantasy perspective. I think instead it should do what damage reduced by X does. Reducing a flat amount that can stack with DR in melee calculations. There are builds that WANT to get hit, but having a large lifepool is impossible for most characters that aren’t pally or barb. This can also mean they can move the needle for monsters to hit harder, thus in a way nerfing casters. They really need to kite or invest strength in good armor to make sure they don’t get disrespected by high damage monsters like cows and minotaurs.

  7. Durability. Just annoying really. Increase elite durability 10 fold then we are talking. I have to repair my damn ‘doom’ thresher EVERY chaos run. It’s just annoying, and unnecessary. I get it but let me play with my toys for longer. Please and thank you.

Just some thoughts. I really enjoy this game and I have tried multiple seasons of ladder now to make melee viable builds. I had a ton of fun with bladesin. People sleeping on her in PvP and PvM. At full build I MELTED p8 cows. Doom druid using hurricane as AoE. Lots of fun, see point 7 as to why it’s not an A-tier build. But again if a nova sorc enters game I just look like a pleb again, so shrugs

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Its been a long time so it might be 08 not 09 but im pretty sure WW at one point was a one point wonder and still hit like a truck, hell it might be 07 even.

The easiest fix imo is fools mod on more weapons.

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The minimum hit chance also needs to be improved. The chance to hit floor shouldn’t be 5% when spells always hit. The minimum hit chance needs to be raised to at least 33% if not 50%.


This is an extremely good list, thanks for writing it up (for us!)

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I have to say this is well thought out and i like it all. If not for the next patch implement these suggestions in the next mini patch. Im all for it to help the melee characters, this will certainly make me play a barb more.

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You need to graduate from HS before you comment on others’ intelligence.

Me saying melee classes needed more interesting items is not me saying they’re broken or subpar. In fact in my post I said the fundamental design and skills of melee classes should not be changed, implying that I think they’re just fine. But that there’s still tons of potential to enhance and expand them through items instead of destroying their identity and core design, like this is WoW where every class is completely redesigned with every new update in a delusional and obsessive need to chase “balance”. No thank you

  1. there is no need that extra acc rate increace… like melee i have everywhere atkrating+hp… i sacrifice dmg and i can hit baal in 92% and its more then enought… yes caster hit targets 100%… but target have immun… and rezists… so its OK… 2. a 3. idk if you need something if you running or not… this is diablo 2 one of hard game… dont make easy walk from it ! 4. AOE ? casters can better in this… but they dont have life per hit or life from life tap so ?? Paladin-Zeal,smithe you just need be fast enoght… Druid-fury rabies ? Barbar-frenzy WW ?? if you play berserker thats a play style… fear and you stand vs one who matter… Assassin- kick+death trap ?? u kill one and whole army die ? go and make a BUILD there is no need for AOE there is need save this game… like it its… not change it becouse its too hard for noobs… its hard go and farm… 5. no buffs needed… Go farm stop crying… or go to d3 you can have all in 24hours… 6. yes leveling melee will be harder and slower… you need weapon to be good… then go and farm…casters can heal per hit… melee can… this is why they are stronger if theye are not they cant do nothing. 7. Boss in more hp ? i kill it on +8 solo fast enought whit every malee what is in game… your melee is slow ? deadly strike a crushing blow… make a lot of acc and speed… go FARM!! 8. well this one will be brutal… but drop ETH item… FARMING:. this is it ? :slight_smile: or diablo 3 you can drop everihing from one boss and go be boring… 9. once i have set players to 8… and i go start hell whit my poison necro… and idk why they was so strong… and i notice it in act 2 after i kill summoner… more HP-more EXP… 10. buff weapons ?? 2hand is slow and stronger… 1hand fast and weaker… its want time to gried YES… but this game is about FARMING! 11. medium and heavy armor already HAVE defense BONUS… this is why they speed penalty…

sorry but 80% of your problem is about GO TO FARM!! :slight_smile: and rest… make build and try to know what stats you need to be strong like hell

An interesting suggestion from the dbrunski comments was a different take on medium/heavy armor and run penalties. Specifically, running takes away 50% of defense for light armors, 25% for medium, and 0% for heavy.

It’s not in my OP, but is a good one as well that addresses some of the same things.


That was me hehe. Cheers!


Provide greater AOE to melee - this the one of the most important areas. BUT, this must not be done via adding other class’s magic to weapons or whatever. They need to fix melee skills that are already there. Fix the class, do not give them corpse explode…what… should we all just be Necros? All melee trees/skills already have abilities that just need to be tweaked. For example, Double Swing attacks two targets…why does that not scale to more targets as you put points into it? By 20 points, it should do 6 targets…and with better gear/points, it should add even more targets. This then carries over to Frenzy. Concentrate needs to be a single target skill, that adds CB, but Berserk should also have a target multiplier as well…as you are BERSERK! After this, have pierce items/skills allow a cut through affect to happen, just like they do for ranged weapons. Amazon’s already have that as a skill, with Barbs you can add it as a lesser buff when you train masteries. Paladins may only get it from items, as their Auras, with a buffed Zeal target count prob would not need it added in anywhere. I know I have not talked about each class, but you should be able to see the picture here…the skills are ALREADY there!


Agreed. I like the CE runeword, but I don’t think it’s the best solution. Doing something inherent to melee would be better.

Now you’re “big time” :slight_smile:

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Delete paladins, paladin auras, lower resist items and sunder charms. Fixed that for you.

Melee has never been sub par! Its definately different to any caster, but also much more rewarding. Requires more knowledge to play with melee than the youtube Lamborghini guy.

Ha. Somehow, I don’t think those are on the table.

So far the new runewords are …lacking. methamorphosis seems Nice to furries , but (yes it is pretty sooon but…) i don’t want to be a frigging bear (barb for life) .

Bumping , cuz we need to be heard off. :blush:

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Agreed! And it’s not like we need new runewords when 90% of existing uniques and sets suck (a rant for another day). :confused:

Buff melee systems, Blizzard! Don’t make us even more item dependent with BIS or build-requisite runewords!