2.5 new conv/medit runeword or new bases?

my hope for the future is new runeword with conviction and meditation or new bases for infinity & insigh. to open new build or improve some.

i see meditation on sword to improve act5 merc with plague and conviction/Amp damage ( curse ) in scepter to boost act3 merc. just an idea

a rework of fire/cold immun. able to brake it with conv/ low resist

and, no more frw penalty on medium/heavy armor. may be transmo?

Better to nerf infinity.

The only builds that actually need to break fire/cold immunes are Fire/Cold sorcs and Fire trappers. All the other builds do enough physical damage to be fine.

Buffing Cold sorcs is like the last thing that needs to be done. It and Hammerdin are the most popular builds in D2 already. Fire is a little more hit or miss, but there is nothing stopping a fire sorc from dipping into FO and being fine TBH. As for fire trapper, TBH for them to be viable they’d need to give them the druid treatment and add some physical damage to their traps.

If anything we should be raising the resists on lightning immunes, and adding more magic immunes to balance things better.

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No new runewords please

Itemization needs a rework before adding more stuff

  • crafting rework
  • Unique rework
  • upgrade recipe buff

Not only that but if they do like 2.4c they’d only add meaningless runewords that don’t bring more to the game, nothing build enabling

My bad, misread, you are talking about expanding the bases for infinity and insight

Completely agree

In fact there should be no base restriction other than

  • All weapons


  • 2hander

Make an infinity archon staff if you please
