[2.4 Patch] Pvp is compromised - Fast Hit Recovery / Stun Issue

It’s frustrating. No news about this ?

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Unfortunately nothing…

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A whole community keeps being ignored…very sad


Save Fhr save fhr save fhr.


So sadness…

No answer.


I understand lots of accounts got banned near the same time frame as the fhr fix went in to place. I was one affected by this ban (map assist) , reason i mention this is how my long term pvp players lost accounts and didnt return , in a since killing pvp for a short time. I can tell you this much pvp is still strong and many classes adapted , changed from once godly specs to new ones. Im just currious to know how many smitters and trapsins are fighting these changes vs everyone else. Change happens and its either adapt, change tactics, spec and prove those skills so many brag about. Shift click smite takes no skill. Trapsin takes skill but it was such a cheap way to win a duel, stunned to death. Fcr or not a skilled sin could perma stun lock you. There are new kings of the hill and its not the same spec u been playing for years , because it owned everything. I am a fan of not being stun locked to death, stuns are still happening , just have to use at the right time to secure the win. Smite still rips melee apart, just takes longer. I know you i will get bashed for this but its my opinion and it may not be yours. I just call it like i see it. Thanks if read this run on.

Cringe, cant imagine getting bullied so hard by a shift smiter that you are glad they watered down the entire pvp aspect of the game. Maybe try not namelock stomping while its standing in place shift smiting?

Also trapsin meta is a lot cheaper now than it ever was. Since sins cant fhr lock anymore they just camp 5 stack and run/l8z which requires a lot less skill than when they actually played aggro and tried to lock you down

Game legit feels like dogwater with the new fhr mechanics and 4v4 has turned into everyone running around spamming with minimal team plays


This exactly! PvP has turned into spam fiesta with ppl holding down teleport, knowing that you can’t catch them via fhr animation…


i mean you think what you want and its fine. Tho i cant help but giggle at “shift smite takes no skill”.

Smite is a skill where you need to namelock to do anything. If you dont namelock your opponent, you never deals any dmg. Ofc its strong in melee duel, when your opponent dont move much and thus is easy to namelock. But most pvp ISNT melee duel. Catching a nec, a dudu or a sorc with smite is (generaly) far harder than playing said caster than cast just mindlesly and tele away as soon as you get close until he hit and kill you. And well, with 2.4 patch, if the smite ever manage to get you, you can get out almost instantly instead of him being rewarded for catching you / you getting punished to getting catch


A nerf for a nerf is unconditionally unacceptable.

After 2.4, FHR is deleted (or not), so it is the same as triggering stun lock or FB, and FHR is meaningless with it.

Most of the items have the FHR option in the spotlight.

And if the FHR was adjusted to the job-specific frame rate, stun spam could be reduced.

Okay, now that FHR has been removed, let’s nerf teleport.

Is this really the right decision? Rather than danough everything, it is necessary to reverse the deletion of FHR (reducing effect?! lol).

That’s another meaning of balance. It’s all about needing a balance, not a nerf.

At least the diminishing effect on Fast Hit Recovery (FHR) is unnecessary.

  • Teams suck because people can pride hold teleport forever now. Sweaty trap/necro play makes a tournament go into the AM.
  • Patch mindblast not stun in its entirety.
  • Its pretty weak that anyone can cast spells while being smited and win whether its nados hams or spears. Downside of casters was FHR which is gone.

Game is basically DvN now and pick another class if you want to challenge yourself. At least block animation gave barb/sin a chance now we limit block down to what is it 30%? Nothing stops a l8tz ibser or sin that just wants to c/t and 5 stack anymore… and that has made most of my friends quit

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Does this effect pve? Fhr breakpoints no longer needed for melee? Lik werebare, etc?

I apologize for the smite comment it wasnt true . I did get bullied by smiters on my melee characters till i learn to skirt the edges of short range smite and kite them. I just believe there are so many things that need fixing with other classes and i understand its not a great fix or a fix at all but i do know permanent stun lock is a outdated broken mechanic and im glad its gone. Having said that i believe it needs to be improved to shorter cool downs or skill lvl base to normalize it.

Pve druid wolf and bear can use shields now without getting stun locked to death by block animation , was that from this removal of stun lock? And thats why you are slow to adress this issue? Pvp isnt blizz’s top concern im sure we can agree on that…

i have no idea. If it does, note that you still get stun the first hit, but you cant get chainstuned after for 10 frame (0.4 s). The fhr is still effective to reduce how long the first stun is

smite is overpowered vs melee for sure. But i believe its also banned by rules ? Melee duels ban every caster / ranged character, so i dont see how its a big deal for them to be op against you. I mean, every hammer, nec, ele dudu, trapsin etc is already brokenly op against you guys because you generaly lack the mobility to catch them (or dmg output vs hammer). Why fixating so hard against smite ?

About the shield, its a different change from 2.4 concerning block animation. If you block a hit during the precast animation of a skill (or an attack) you wont have a block anime (but you will still block the hit). So you can only have a block anime in the post cast animation of the skill, or when you are just moving (with out teleport) or just standing on place. In essence, you have far less block animation.

We dont rly like that change either in pvp, but its a secondary problem compared to the fhr change


And not a single developer post here to this day…


In theory no, that’s the most frustrating part, they made this change for pvp only.

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To those who say they are ‘‘done’’ with D2R: see you next Ladder!
Seriously, no one cares about your PvPness. In fact, maybe this can be a positive thing for you instead of giving so much energy to something which yields nothing.

Can you mf me my shako for my next ladder pvp char when fhr will be fixed ?

I teally didnt want talk about every problem there is with pvp,invisible hammers , invisible bone spirits. I just used smiter as a example. In no way was i limited to just shields and really dont see why you had to say anything about it.