Sleigh your way through Diablo II: Resurrected this holiday season across 22 Nights of Terror, where frightfully festive gameplay modifiers will rotate daily.
Recap of the modifiers from the past 22 Nights of Terror events:
December 13: The Secret Cow Level is terrorized for 24 hours.
December 14: Sanity Clause - Terror Zones change every 15 minutes.
December 15: Scrooge’s Blessing - Additional 50% gold find.
December 16: Black Friday Sales - NPC vendor prices are 50% off!
December 17: Extra Stuffing - Hero hit points are doubled.
December 18: One Horse Sleigh - Physical Damage dealt by heroes is increased by 50%.
December 19: Milk and Cookies - Bonus health regeneration to heroes.
December 20: Milk and Cookies - 100% Bonus Move Speed and Stamina.
December 21: O Holy Knight - Heroes have a 100% Damage bonus against Undead
December 22: Spiked Punch - Heroes have bonus Thorns damage.
December 23: Black Friday Sales - NPC vendor prices are 50% off!
December 24: A Heart-Warming Experience - Terror Zones grant an additional 10% Experience bonus.
December 25: O Holy Knight - Heroes have a 100% Damage bonus against Undead.
December 26: Magic Time of Year - Heroes gain an additional 50 magic find.
December 27: The first special comes for The Secret Cow Level. It is terrorized for 24 hours.
December 28: Milk and Cookies - Bonus health regeneration to heroes.
December 29: One Horse Sleigh - Physical Damage dealt by heroes is increased by 50%.
December 30: Black Friday Sales - NPC vendor prices are 50% off!
December 31: The Thing in the Big Red Coat - Heroes have a 100% damage boost against Demons.
January 1: Sanity Clause - Terror Zones change every 15 minutes.
January 2: The Secret Cow Level is terrorized for 24 hours.
January 3: Dress in Layers - Hero resistances are boosted by up to 75%.
December 13: Sugar Rush - 100% Bonus Move Speed and Stamina.
December 14: Extra Stuffing - Hero hit points are doubled.
December 15: Black Friday Sales - NPC vendor prices are 50% off!
December 16: One Horse Sleigh - Physical Damage dealt by heroes is increased by 50%.
December 17: Magic Time of Year - Heroes gain an additional 250% magic find.
December 18: Most Famous Reindeer of All - After heroes kill a monster there is a chance it will reanimate as a Hell Bovine Minion
December 19: Dress in Layers - Hero resistances are boosted by up to 75%.
December 20: Snowball’s chance - Hero resistances reduced by 100, and hero damage increased by 100%
December 21: Krampuslauf - Diablo Clone will spawn every 3 hours
December 22: Black Friday Sales - NPC vendor prices are 50% off!
December 23: Holiday [Boss] Rush - Terror Zones rotate between act boss dungeons
December 24: Last Minute Shopping - Everyone gets the Find Item skill.
December 25: Winter Wonderland - Everyone gets the Blizzard skill.
December 26: A Heart-Warming Experience - Terror Zones grant an additional 25% experience bonus.
December 27: White Wolf - Everyon gets the Werewolf skill and Werewolf abilities.
December 28: Holiday Stress - Terror Zone difficulty scaled up
December 29: Black Friday Sales - NPC vendor prices are 50% off!
December 30: Winter Terrorland - 19 popular Terror Zones all day (Catacombs 1-4, Tristram, The Secret Cow Level, Durance of Hate 1-3, The Chaos Sanctuary, Nihlathak’s Temple, Halls of Anguish, Halls of Pain, Halls of Vaught, Worldstone Keep 1-3, Throne of Destruction, The Worldstone Chamber)
December 31: Close Out With a Bang - Chance to cast an explosive skill ( Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Poison Nova or Vulcano) when Hero is hit
January 01: Hangover - Heroes have all Sunder effects
January 02: New Year New Skill - All players get the Teleport skill
January 03: Late to the Party - Heroes have a 100% chance to cast a level 100 Meteor on death
Information sourced from
These are online only?
That is correct.
“The 22 Nights of Terror holiday event can be enjoyed in all online game modes except for Classic Diablo II.”
“One horse SLAY” the +50% “to heroes” doesn’t include mercs or summons, does it? Wtf use is this to summonmancers??
just wait for the “snowball” and “hangover” terror themes to come into play, straight 24h time to play either offline or Classic…
the 22 nights i’d rather not play d2… lol. every year i completely pass on this event, it’s so stupid…
A 25% increase to the damage of the most OP aoe spell in the game is pretty substantial my dude
Better question is why are you relying entirely on skeles for damage
Are we going to get the 50% vendor price this year? Literally the best one. Usually we would have had it by now, as you tend to run it 3 times over the event
Being halfway thru 22 nights of terror i must say i’m pretty disappointed with the events so far. Only these were interesting: Holiday Boss Rush, Black Friday Sales (if you were into Gambling), Krampuslauf (if you wanted more Anni’s) and Last Minute Shopping (if you were into MFing).
Everything else was just boring character buffs.
Come on Blizzard! You can do better! Give us something to do!
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