13 Changes For the Greater Good

-Fix the text chat bug (text chat is the main flow of in game chat. It must work not 60% of the time but all the time!)

-WoW chat is on the bottom left. I get that but d2’s chat was always on the top left. The problem I have with D2r is that items in my stash have to be at the top 4 levels for me to link ( or I have to move them :frowning:
Items displayed in stash become covered/obscured by the lower left chat box.

-Fix the opacity of the items highlighted by cursor. If I am highlighting an item by cursor placement it means that item it is paramount. Don’t fade my black box backdrop. When I want to show something I want it to stand out. I don’t need to see inconsequential things behind the item in question in my inventory.

-While in Lobby if I highlight a title in my “game name” field I should be able to type over it without having to press delete

-Bring back the ability to type above your head with “!” helps in trades and team pvp

-Trade currently doesn’t let you chat to the person your actively trading with. Chat must be done pre/post trade window. This must be fixed.

-Remove 1 socket items from the drop pool after ACT1 NM (nobody likes a 15%ed/3ar 1 soc Zerk)

-Remove low level affix/suffix after ACT1 NM these would include: +light radius/+stam/+Stam regen/monster flee when hit/attacker takes damage of X

-Stacking of runes and gems (most of the cries for stash space will be gone)

-All Horadric cube recipes available in game.

-All runeword recipes available in game (per ladder/non lad)

-Easy in game screen shot upload with crop features etc. I would love to not have to use paint to post an SS

-dedicated charm invent. would be nice not to have to take charms off if I want to baal or pvp. Never know what might drop.

I feel these are somewhat easy (other than the dedicated charm invent) to implement and would give everyone a smile when they saw one or more of these features added/implemented.

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While I can relate to several of these ideas especially with what has been conceived with newer games, I think it best if the game stray little and stay as true as it can for those that wish to pick up the “old habit” again.

Bug smashing, yes.

Quality of life, yes, but has a wide range of opinions… A lot of “grey areas”.

I’d be open to limited shared “gem” and “rune” bags. If they hold enough, I’d even give up a current shared tab.

Advanced AI smashing bots because they’re 100% predictable, absolutely. (Hey Weird Al, phone up Billy G and have him do this tech support.

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I agree with all except for charm inventory. You need to manage space with charm. For instance I do not use 2 grand charms I could and leave 8 squares of space for dropping item + have cube for more.

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I’ve had thoughts about a charm inventory, but with a cost of 10x3 or 8x4. Perhaps even a choice of the two or the third and current option.


The change I would like would be an increase in the difficulty of the monsters in the TZs (perhaps a penalty to the characters’ defenses and resistances, perhaps more life for the monsters, for the monsters to be more lethal, but all without changing the loot or the gain of Current XP, perhaps greater density of monsters too) and that there were more terrorized areas at the same time (it’s very annoying, I speak for myself, logging in and out of the game all the time and clearing the map in minutes, I know there are players who like it Therefore, for this reason the non-terrorized areas should not be changed, I wouldn’t want to spoil anyone’s fun).

What I’m going to say is controversial, I would like the chance of finding the Sunder Charms to be lower than the current one and I would also like the penalty we suffer in the characters’ resistances to be greater (somewhere between -150 and -100). Breaking immunity must be something very difficult and costly. Sunder Charms made a lot of builds possible and functional (that’s a plus), but the price was too low, that’s just my opinion.

Sunder charms should drop on NM TZs to prepare character before Hell immunes

TZs mob density increased, unique mobs spawn more abilities, added small chance to spawn multi bosses (Hell only)

Weapon DMG updated: x1.5 for nor, x2 for exc and x3 for elite

Dex AR updated: from 5 to 10 per point

Inv increased to 10x6

Magic/Rares spawn with 1 - max sockets per item type

Uniques/Sets have a chance to spawn with 1-3 sockets

Crafting for magic/rare/uniques/sets

Rune Words spawn with two addidtional random abilities

FRW increased by +75% when stamina is above 75%, +50% when above 50%, +25% when above 25%; infi stamina from potion removed

FRW on charms increased from 3/5/7 to 5/7/12

Rare/magic staffs will spawn with 10-50fcr

Spirit RW: 1-2 @sks, 5-35fcr, 12-22vit, 50-110mana

Teleport get 0.4sec CD (PC ver only)

Meteor: impact time decreased by half

Hydra: FBall synergie removed, FBolt syn increased to 7%

Molten Boulder: CD removed, Volcano syn increased to 16%

Frozen Orb: CD decreased to 0.5sec, IBolt synergie increased to 4%

Tyraels Might: added +3 to class skills, spawn with 4socs

Cube is 4x4

Small changes (in quantity and quality) can provide a significant increase to the game. 1. You can choose between adventure mode (with all maps available for runs) or story mode to review how events unfolded. This doesn’t change the game, but it expands the range of fun options with it. 2. An increase in the difficulty level of the monsters in the TZs and an expansion of the terrorized areas will also allow a new experience for players who prioritize the quality of combats over their quantity, without compromising the already traditional runs of Hell mode. 3. Making Charsi, Larzuk and Anya’s rewards more meaningful can also do a lot for the quality of the game (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d2r/t/community-feedback-for-improving-itemization/ 145426/1953).

I argue that just three changes to items could give the game a new lease of life and renewal.

  1. Charsi could offer, as a service, the rerolling of the value of a single item quality of non-maximum value. The quality would be selected randomly, the quality is not changed except in its value which will be rerolled. For example, a diadem with defense 57, with +1 to necromancer skills, +20 FCR and 1 socketed, could have a change in defense or the +x bonus for necromancer skills or a change in the number of socketed. The item’s characteristics are maintained, but the value of one of them is changed (randomly) that is not maximum (the new value may be equal, higher or even lower than the previous one, and this can only be done once per item).
  2. Larzuk could add 1 or 2 sockets to magic, rare, unique, and set items that can be socketed, such as helmets, armor, shields, and weapons. Without changing the maximum number of sockets that these types of items can receive (helms up to 3, shields up to 4, armor up to 4, weapons up to 6, etc.). With this, items that are not runewords would receive a powerful increase in their power, in some cases rivaling runewords which are very powerful and do not require any alteration. This could only be done once per item.
  3. Anya, when engraving the name on an item, chosen by the player, would randomly add a new quality (an affix or a suffix) to the item (without exceeding the maximum number of affixes or suffixes that the item can have). This could only be done once per item.
    These three changes would give new life to the game, personality and uniqueness to the items and are easy to implement, do not change the nature of the game, and are controlled by the restriction of a single application per item.