WOW World Freezing/Character Name Already Exists

Reported bug, several players experiencing same issue, Blizz isn’t responding. The world freezes after 5 minutes of game play, then when you try to log back into that character, you get “Character Name Already Exists” Have to use other characters until the other times out, up to 30 minutes.


Yes, this happened to me on my DK. Now I’m on my pally, but I can’t do anything, and I’m afraid to log out.


I am having this happen to me as well on Siren’s Isle


For some reason, it didn’t happened on Eye of Azshara and Neltharion’s Lair (the first couple i did), after that it happened on every dungeon

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This has happened to me 3 times tonight. First time I switched characters and closed the game and then it logged me back in just fine on my main but now that won’t work. So goodbye WoW for the night i guess… every dang patch day… 20 years later still have issues. Embarrassing…

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Is there a fix coming, the time set aside for gaming today is ruined. Hopefully these patches get better, seems like its getting worse.

I am having the same issue, I was logged in for about 30 minutes. I logged out at the end of a Dungeon because I could not loot the final boss. I cannot log back in. 6:25 PM Denver

This isn’t the correct forum for you. Here’s your link to the Official WOW forums…

Yep had this in the Rookie and then again on another character doing the world boss

If you log out and close your WOW game, then go to your Battle Net app under WOW, click on the cog wheel next to play and do a Scan and Repair.