World of Warcraft API Update - Visions of N'zoth

The Game Data Endpoint for Spells returns 404 for every azerite spell power in any Azerite item.

Some examples:

It seems its not just azerite spell powers. Lots of other base spells return 404 as well. Spells from talents and pvp talents seem to work but not base spells for a given class.

For example
/data/wow/spell/255937?namespace=static-us&locale=en_US (Wake of the ashes) works
/data/wow/spell/20271?namespace=static-us&locale=en_US (Judgment) does not. Returns a 404/BLZWEBAPI00000404

Similarly for other classes as well. Tried warrior spells, talents/pvptalents seem to work but base spells return 404 responses.

As noted in the previous post, all azerite spell powers also return 404.