Warzone taking forever to match

Last week my wife and I got a verify account message when we tried to play warzone, our accounts had our old phone numbers so we had to contact support to get them changed. Numbers changed, all is good, but when we try to find a match for duos nothing happens. Ping starts at 32 and goes up to 200 before we cancel finding a match. Has this happened to anyone else?

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yes can confirm
i have the same issue
i am from asia i try connecting to asia - no help

I to ran into a similar issue except i didnt have a phone number on file so it sent me a email verification code. Everything went ok to get back into the main hub but now when looking for a match i just searches forever. did u have any luck finding the issue?

yep this also happened to me, the reason why it was taking so long for me was because i was “shadow-banned” which is basically activision reviewing your account because of suspicious activity,this could of not been you and it may of been someone else in a game,theres nothing you can do to stop it and you just to have to wait until they are done checking,the site to see if your are shadow banned is support activion account ban appeal(search this up it won’t allow me to post a link).here you can check if your account is under any supervision or something like that. hope this helps!

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