Good Afternoon,
I am enjoying the Warcraft modern port. WAR1 was the first RTS i played as a kid and piqued my interest in the Middle ages/Medieval Fantasy genre. WAR1 was always imbalanced and imperfect.
This post is not to comment on the art or gameplay but on missing features from the Original to the modern port…and a possible few suggestions for the modern port since there is eyes on it. I dont know how to keep all this short and sweet, so here it is:
> Build
Option Menu
- We should have the ability to see the opening cinematic/story movie. I only saw it once and now I will never see it again unless i reinstall…Not interested in how terrible it is or whatever the main feedback is, just that its gone forever. A ‘show opening movie on start’ clickbox would be great.
Custom Game
- Please give us the ability to put in Conjurers/orc equivalent on start.
Also when this gets put back in we can ‘disable’ them for the match. Sometimes I like to dungeon run with a custom army and conjurers are unavailable for the dungeon levels, and at starting army. For those that do not know…When you dungeon map run with magic users all of their spells are unlocked at start (since you cant build a base), if your random mapping, the conjurers are useless/food burdens until you can unlock their building and spells. This is a removed option from the original.
No Multiplayer and EDITOR request
I never did ever try WAR1 Multiplayer by node or baud or whatever. And custom game matches the CPU already has a full fledged base at start. So I cant really comment on ‘how that should look’ or what exists currently. This is a removed option from the original…i think.
CPU is technically scripted to just eat resources, that never bothered me:
To my knowledge the CPU has always had ‘rebuild it if its destroyed’ combined with unlimited money code. But two separate starting points with a farm near a gold mine…and three in the middle to fight over?..for p2p Private 1v1’s? Which brings me to the ‘editor’
Can we get a very simple WAR1 editor? Please?
Foliage, 2 starting points, limit to 7 mines(or 5) per map. or…True Random Maps?
Custom Dungeon stuff seems more labor intensive/other npcs/scripting stuffs, more trouble than its worth for a classic game. But just a simple editor for the Multiplayer…if/when that becomes a thing.
The QOL stuff is awesome. Selecting more than 4 units!? Additional campaign art!? I had the original case with manual for the game, great addition. I like the music except for that hard Screech on that one track…so for now i keep it classic. Controls are MUCH different than the original in a good way, I can see that being overlooked in this remaster. UI changes and the Original/modern art swap mechanic is enjoyable.
For what its worth. I like the WAR1 Remaster, its good. Removes a couple of things, zooms you out a little which is nice, but very close to the original and plays much better considering todays market on RTS.
Thanks for reading.