Violet Signet replacement ring quest is bugged

Hi, My character name is Nicurion, on Grobbulus Server in TBC.
My “The Violet Eye” Faction Ring-Turn in quest is bugged. The quest reads “Protector No More”, but I currently own a restorer version of ring in my inventory, therefore, the quest should be reading as “Restorer No More”.
My goal, is to turn my restorer ring back in, to replace it for a protector ring, but I can’t do that, because the game thinks that I own a protector ring in my inventory somehow, which I don’t. Please look into this matter and provide a troubleshooting with this bug. Thank you in advance!


This forum is for technical support on Classic (ie, legacy) Games, such as Diablo II (2000).

World of Warcraft (both retail and Classic / TBC) has its own forums; you will find a Burning Crusade Classic Discussion category and a WoW Classic Bug Report category under WoW Classic:

Please use the appropriate forum for your issue.

Good luck with this !