Unable to open BattleNet Desktop App

word then dont delete stuff that doesnt need to be deleted

I have the same issue today. I reinstalled restartet and all but nothin works, so i keep gettin the error and no launcher for me. Anyone has some news about this problem and maybe a workaround?

Same here. Reinstalled bnet but I’m still getting Blizzard Errors.

Same thing happening to me. Nothing seems to help it and gives a different error code every time.

I have the same problem.

Reinstalling battle.net, deleting cache and battle.net tools don’t help.

REPORT ID: E026B1D1-8999-42C4-A697-5F4DEA05283F

Yeah same here, we’ll probably have to wait until they fix it

Same here, try to restart pc, uninstall and reinstall, nothing seems to work

same problem here, without solution…

I’ve done everything this forum has suggested and I am still unable to use the Battle.net app without it crashing. Quite frustrating, to be honest.

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i have the same thing, very annoying

same problem here aswell…

got the same problem, but earlier today everything works fine. One thing when you go offline (cut your connection) and start app it doesn’t crash, but after you establish your connection one again, battle.net app will instantly crash. So maybe problem lies on blizzard side

Same issue here, cleared every file I could find, cleared %appdata% and %localappdata% as well but it still crashes immediately when I open the launcher. A report screen pops up after every crash as well. “DF3539C6-E97B-45EF-89E4-DA714A2CD51A” is my report ID.

Got the same prob. Got this unexpected error 4 hours ago. I can open Battle.net and it works okay before. Don’t know what is the problem. I can play Vanguard by running the game .exe files but the battle.net is just don’t work.

Report ID: 4214A3EA-B64F-4E65-BBC5-B33F41DD7012

Also have this problem, tried many things and get the Blizzard Error