Trojan.Win64.Kryplod Modern-Warfare-Setup

Почему в вашем инсталяторе троян? Вы специально пытаетесь заразить пользователей вирусами? Что происходит? И это не ложные срабатывания это троян!
https:// www. virustotal. com/gui/file/2196bdecc9ef73fa05deb1d65e29e952384d46c3ac3f427e2332eb9642732bb0?nocache=1


Why is there a trojan in your installer? Are you specifically trying to infect users with viruses? What’s happening? And it’s not false positives, it’s a Trojan!

This forum is for technical support of Blizzard’s Classic (ie, legacy) Games, such as Diablo II (2000).

You may want to put your warning / question on the Russian language forum here:

That forum is not specifically for Battle.Net issues, but the Blizzard support staff who monitor that forum should be able to figure out what needs to be done, if anything.

I suspect, however, that the warning needs to be posted on the Modern Warfare support site at : .

Best of luck in your games !

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