Realm status in api?

Hi Friends,

I’m pretty new to digging into the wow api and I was hoping to put a realm offline/online bot up in my guild’s discord for fun. I’ve been trying to track down a realm status somewhere in the api and I’m struggling to find it…

This is the closest thing I found. Maybe I’m just blind but I don’t see status in there.

I see a Realm Status section here: Blizzard Developer Portal

and it points to being migrated to the endpoint above but I’m not seeing it.

Any help would be grand.

Status is in the /data/wow/connected-realm/{id} endpoint.

Read my recent post for differences between “realms” and “connected realms”: Kel'Thuzad ID not working? - #4 by Erorus-11776

Awesome! thank you for the insight! I got it working

[***.*****@******* wowBot]$ wowGetRealmStatus