RBG bracket missing from Profile API

In migrating my application from the community API to the profile API I noticed that the RBG rating and weekly / season games played are no longer available. With the old “pvp” field there would be an “RBG” bracket, but in the new API only the “2v2” and “3v3” brackets appear to be available.

Is this intended or will this be added in the future?

You can get Rated Battleground information at:


If the RBG endpoint returns a 4xx status code, then the character has not completed any RBGs since the RBG endpoint was released. This endpoint dates back at least a couple of seasons.

The RBG endpoint is linked to from:


If the PvP Summary endpoint does not link to the RBG endpoint in the brackets field, then the character has not completed any RBGs this season.

Both of these endpoints update on character logout.

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