I’m playing on the Classic Anniversary server Dreamscythe. One of their members got the tag on a quest mob (which can be shared) and I quickly sent them an invite. They instantly declined and we did this 2 more times. I cursed them out and they didn’t respond and when I noticed they were running around just farming mobs like a bot I reported them and whispered them letting them know. Still complete silence. I then decided to warn their members, which I realized was difficult because their guild name is “Ironforge” meaning when you /who that guild name you find everyone in the location Ironforge and maybe a couple in the guild. I whispered the couple I could find coming in warning about having a bot in their guild and I was still met with complete silence. I believe this guild is all bots and their programming is so poor, they don’t even response to whispers. I even whispered one of them simply, “Are you a bot?” and they didn’t say anything.
Also, I noticed Dreamscythe doesn’t have a listing on the servers list for posting stuff. I don’t even see an appropriate category offered. It has become insanely difficult to report stuff like this to Blizzard and I’m feeling like they don’t care or want to do anything about it. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be limited to reported just an individual you have to target their portrait in order to make a report like this.