The D3 game guide is missing from the new revised Diablo 3 website. This has happened in the past between the PTR and a new season patch going live on the production servers. However, in the past when I’ve posted about it in the D3 general forum it was characterized as an oversight that was corrected within a few days. I recently started a thread in the D3 general forum about it but have yet to get any official response/feed back on it, and the full game guide hasn’t been restored. I use the game guide during the leveling process and refer to it from time to time throughout the season. I’ve book marked links to various parts of the game guide, but with the changes made to the D3 website, those links are now broken. The new season is starting in a few days, and I would like to have access to the full game guide. I typically play more than one class each season, so the game guide is an invaluable resource when it comes to leveling classes that aren’t my favorite. As I stated, my D3 general forum thread:
Thank you.
I’m including some additional info. below for clarity:
I’m referring to the D3 official site game guide. Below are some example links to the official game guide that are not on the new revised official site:
- Wiz Active Skills ==>
- Wizard Class Guide overview ==>
- Wizard Passive Skills ==>
- Wizard Skill Progression ==>
- Wizard Skill Calculator ==>
Using the above links one could alter them with:
- “…/class/barbarian…”
- “…/class/demon-hunter…”
- “…/class/witch-doctor…”
- “…/class/necromancer…”
- “…/class/monk…”
- “…/class/crusader…”
For the calculator one could alter the link by replacing wizard with the class names like demonstrated above.
There is also the “items” section of the game guide ==> Items - Game Guide - Diablo IIIA link to my thread in the D3 general forum ==>