Old connected realms remain after new realm connections

On the US region, realms Cairne/Perenolde (connected realm 122) joined realm Cenarius (connected realm 1168).

Good news
The connected realm API for 1168 now includes Cairne and Perenolde, well done: hxxps://us.api.blizzard.com/data/wow/connected-realm/1168?namespace=dynamic-us

Bad news

  • The connected realm 122 is still available on the API, and still lists Cairne and Perenolde: hxxps://us.api.blizzard.com/data/wow/connected-realm/122?namespace=dynamic-us
  • The connected realm index also still includes 122: hxxps://us.api.blizzard.com/data/wow/connected-realm/?namespace=dynamic-us


  • I expect connected realm 122 to disappear from the API, or at the very least, for it to contain no realms.
  • I expect a realm to belong to exactly one connected realm.

The defunct connected realms do have “status: DOWN” so we can just skip down sets for now.

This affects all newly-connected realms, with connected realm IDs 68, 122, 131, 164, and 567 (EU).


I would also add that querying an individual realm is still returning the old connected_realm information:

e.g. /data/wow/realm/cairne?namespace=dynamic-us still points to connected_realm=122 when it should hopefully now be pointing to connected_realm=1168