Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

yep that’s worked well it app reinstalled at least lol

Having the same issue.

having same issues…

app will restart and games show up. “agent” folder will be re-created.

It’s not a universal fix mate.
Heaps of us have tried this and it makes no difference.

Games also aren’t updating via the launcher.
D3 for example, sits at waiting forever.

Running the game from the .exe instead of the launcher works for me, but we shouldn’t have to do this.

You are a godsend ty brave hero

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Yes, updated to 1909 just before trying to play WoW.

then dont try. i go play

I have the same problem as well.

While I didn’t get the launcher fixed, I was able to login to World of Warcraft. For Windows users, open Explorer and search you PC for WOW.exe You should find it under: C:\World of Warcraft_retail_ (assuming that’s where you have the game installed) Double click on WOW.exe and it will start World of Warcraft.

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same here and i think its probably happening for everyone

Same problem here, and I see my friends in my same country and different countries playing without issue. I do not think it is due to the windows update either since I updated my windows and after that played the whole day yesterday without issue. I am only having this problem now and I don’t know why. I tried clearing cache, and even reinstalling the client but nothing works. It still going back to the Agent being asleep. At this point I think the Agent is in a coma.

Worked for me, good recommend

Pound me too? :astonished:

same problem, im getting frustrated from this problem

have the same issue. what’s the matter with blizzard right now?

same here, friday is my weekend, had lots of plans to do and this agent thing ruined it to me… i have updated all of my drivers even my windows and still the same issue!

same issue as of this morning

I’m in Brazil and i got the same issue. :frowning: