Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

I was having this issue as well. I went into the folder for retail wow and manually started the game by running the wow.exe. I had to enter my username, password and my authenticator but it let me in. Hopefully this works for you and others who are still having trouble.

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Did this, wasn’t able to locate any of my games (even when selecting manually in the folders). WoW update stuck at Waiting. Relaunched and back to square 1. I would say for others to wait for an update from Blizzard before attempting this.

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blizzard systems have become self aware and is self quarantine

i am having the same issue

found this workaround for d3, works fine for me!

Same here. Hopefully they fix it

Por ahí a qué hora se despierta ese hp?

I am truly unimpressed more and more each day I have the pleasure to play your broken and lazily coded games


same problem for me :expressionless: its weird. it was all fine! this error came out of nowhere !

Friday the 13th, Diablo 3 season 20 is set up to start at 5 p.m. C.E.T. and the agent is sleeping like sweet baby Jesus. Talk about bad timing.

Playd this morning and everything was fine, WTF Blizzard ?!

Having the same problem, so annoying.

It worked untill the part where I had to update the game. It’s just waiting to update/download now. Maybe if you have your games installed already this might work!

i’ll go play pubg while you Blizzard bois fix this.

Ah, I see… This didn’t happen to me fortunately :confused: We’ll keep trying! And by that, I mean, LET’S SCREAM LOUDER AT BLIZZARD!

Same here …cant play any of my blizzard games from the app

Ok help is here. 1 min fix:

1: close all blizzard software in taskmanager
2: delete folder “Agent” in C:\ProgramData\
3: restart app.


This still doesn’t work… Still struck at the 45% ‘Updating Blizzard Agent’, with 0% Network activity.

Dont waste your time, and wait for the official blizzard solution…

… whenever that will be :confused:

This worked, logged in

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