Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

Yes worked for me also.

Got overwatch opened but failed to log in

The running overwatch directly approach isn’t working for me. I have open, but overwatch sits there “trying to start battle net”.

Update: I was running the launcher, not the game. In the retail folder is where the game is located. However, now I’m logged in but the game is failing to find any game servers.

This didn’t work for me the first time I tried it, it loaded the game but hung on “logging in to game server” then eventually took me back to the log in screen. Tried it again a few minutes later and it worked. If it still doesn’t work for you try right clicking the game exe and choosing “run as administrator” (assuming you have admin rights on your PC).

Well is not working for me …Wow. exe. is not in the folder …only the launcher…both classic or reg wow…now what ??

same here got the same problem is probably tested positive and is in self quarantine. Let’s give em some credit guys

After windows update today I get this error, what should I do to fix it?


I also have the Same Problem. hot to fix???

pls send haaalp i got the same problem

I found some way but I don’t know if it is normal,
go to C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_
and run WoW.exe
worked for me


Im trying to play cod tho, and that way doesnt work since i cant connect to the servers

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I am having the same problem and I have an iMac desktop. I restarted computer - didn’t work. I uninstalled the Blizzard Agent app from my computer and tried reinstalling and it won’t install; it is stuck half bar on install. My internet is working just fine. So I don’t know what to do.

Same here, i literally tried every possible. I think its need a hotfix :frowning:


Its the servers guys, lets just wait and see

i also have the same problem

I have the same problem an I think it came after the last windows update from this morning. I have tested all my drivers and they are at the last version for each one. The OS work at maximum capacity, my antivirus have noething to report after I scaned all drives. It remain to try to enter in the game with wow.exe like it was sugested by [RibljiKeksic].

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hello, i also have the same problem, updated system + test uninstall antivirus, nothing helps.

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To Schoodic - The bar isn’t stuck - it’s downloading the install. just give it a few minutes. Either way the problem seems to be on Blizzards side.

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gonna send them Corona giftpack for sucha good support ^^

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