[Main Thread] Battle.net App freezing my entire PC


That was one of our suspicions given the LKD 141/133 BSODs and the fact that you’re all using Nvidia cards. Thanks for confirming a work around. Can those of you having this issue try the following for us?

  1. Download, but do not install the most recent driver for your graphics card from Nvidia
  2. Download Display Driver Uninstaller from The Wagnard Mobile Forum (Click Official Download Here near the bottom of Wagnard’s first post. It will automatically download)
  3. Run the Display Driver Uninstaller file you downloaded and extract it to desktop
  4. On your desktop, click Display Driver Uninstaller and run it. Do not run in safe mode.
  5. Click Clean and Restart
  6. After restart, install the driver that we downloaded above in step 1.

It would also be helpful for those of you having this issue to gather logs for us and email them to us. The information to send the email is as follows:

Addressee: techinfo@blizzard.com
Subject: Attn: Drakuloth - Battle.net Locks up Windows

If you get an error with our spam detection rejecting your email, add some text to your email and feel free to upload it to a file hosting site otherwise. I’ll just need that to be a publically accessible file hosting link, as we do not request access to private google drives and the like.

Note: This inbox is not monitored unless we are gathering files. Off topic emails will not receive a reply.