Legendary Crafting on the API

Don’t want to sound like a broken record but I’m at a loss for where the progress towards crafted legendary ranks is stored. I can see on the profession API which ranks of a legendary someone is able to craft but I have no idea where their XP progress towards the next rank is stored. It must be stored somewhere but I feel like I’m going crazy trying to find it. Presumably it must be stored somewhere because when a player logs back in the xp they have earned towards the next rank is pulled from somewhere?

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I can’t find the experience for the ranks either but i’m still searching for the ranks of the legendaries. Can you tell me where i can find those? In the profession API they all have the same information. Would be nice if you could tell me where to find the information.

In their profession the ranks of the legendaries are all listed as different recipes. For me I just needed to know the rank that anyone had learned so I just did a count of how many recipes had the name ‘Grim-Veiled Sandals’ and that gave me the rank that they had. But I’m fairly sure that if you take the ID of the recipe and then call the recipe API with that ID you’ll get all of the information you need for each individual rank.