Last Played button placement suggestion

The “last played” feature is neat, but, could you move it to the bottom left of the window - like a floating UX element. I have “muscle memory” for launching WoW/Diablo3 from that location, and having the button now up and out of the way, up the top, and Smaller is - jarring.

Just my 2c :slight_smile:

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If you’d prefer to just have the launcher show the page of the last game you played (rather than defaulting back to the Home page each time it’s launched) there’s a setting for that…

Apparently, not everyone has access to this setting yet, as it’s being rolled out in stages but that’s where it’ll be when your launcher is patched.

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The whole concept of the utility makes zero sense when your favorites bar is literally right next to it, and you can add icons to your desktop…


I don’t find the last played buttons useful. And it shrinks the icon list of my other game tabs. There should be an option in settings to move and remove the last played buttons.


You don’t seem to understand the actual problem. Why is Last played even needed when we have “Favourites”?

It needs to be able to be turned off.


Allow us to disable it at least.