Kel'Thuzad ID not working?

Using the kel’thuzad ID i get returned from the realm search api, I can’t access the auction house API with it. I get 404. The other servers I have tested are working so far.

Use this URL for Kel’Thuzad US:<token>

Use this URL for Kel’Thuzad EU:<token>

How did you determine this? I’m having the same issue for Crushridge US (connected realm id 107) not showing up.

Ok folks, let’s clear something up. There are realms, and then there are connected realms. They are not the same thing, even though some IDs will match and they both use the word “realm.” To avoid confusing the two, I’ll call connected realms “CRs” in this post.

Realms and CRs are two separate things, with different capabilities and endpoints. For the purposes of the API, realms are not CRs, and CRs are not realms. All CRs are parents, which contain realm children. Realms have no children of their own, and every realm has exactly one CR parent, even if they’re not connected with any other realms.

Realms have names, and they’re where your characters live. Crushridge is a realm with ID 107. Chromaggus is a realm (ID 1138), and Nathrezim is a realm (ID 89). When you’re doing something character-specific, you’re going to be using realms. The API which handles realms is in /data/wow/realm/{ID}

CRs also have IDs, but they do not have names. As stated before, CRs have one or more realms attached to them. Since auction houses are shared by all realms in a CR, auction house snapshots are posted by CR, not by realm. Same thing with mythic leaderboards, apparently. The API which handles CRs is in /data/wow/connected-realm/{ID}

So you’re on realm Crushridge (ID 107) and you want the auction house data. Use the realm API /data/wow/realm/107 and look at the connected_realm key. You’ll see there it links to /data/wow/connected-realm/1138. So, fetch that API and you’ll find Crushridge listed in the realms array, as well as the “auctions” URL under /data/wow/connected-realm/1138/auctions.

“Hey, I noticed that Chromaggus uses realm ID 1138, and it’s under CR ID 1138 too!” Yes, often (but not always!) some member realm will have its realm ID used as the CR ID. I like to think the other realms were merged on top of that primary realm when it was converted into a CR internally. However, this isn’t guaranteed, and I have seen some CR IDs which do not use a (public) realm ID, because they were merged on top of an internal realm for one reason or another.

The confusing part is that after searching /data/wow/search/connected-realm?

the id that shows up in the results is 107. I now see that 1138 also shows up, but it’s not remotely clear that is the connected realm id. Now that I know that a connectedrealm is all the linked realms for AH (and other purposes), this makes a lot more sense, but the naming is pretty obtuse, and the documentation absent.

If we’re searching the connected realm API, and results[0] is 1138, then that seems pretty clear to me that’s the connected realm ID. To find 107 in that result, you need to go further into results[0].data.realms[2].id which is obviously referencing some other object inside the result you found.

It would have been nice if they simply called “connected-realm” objects “connections,” so we could say “realm 107 is part of connection 1138” instead of “realm 107 is in connected realm 1138” when people are confused enough about connected realms even outside the API context.