[July 15] Diablo II USEast DOWN

lol who unplugged the old win XP server?


Have you tried turning it off and back on again… LOL


Darn. Family and I had some free time to play tonight. Hope they are up before it’s time for bed.

ヽ༼° ل͜ °༽ノ

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Going on 3 hours and no communication


The janitor probably isn’t done mopping the floors yet. He’ll probably get on it when he gets to the server room. :stuck_out_tongue:

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East Ladder, still down. *sad paladin noises

almost down for 3 hours.

Well, it would be nice to know the server will or wont be coming up again so we could move on to non ladder… or uswest.
Any communication would be nice


Nah were gonna take it like the plebs we are…

Hey all,

Thanks for the reports. Can confirm, we are investigating!

Will provide an update as we get them.

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Looks like things are stabilizing now on USEast.

For anyone experience issues previously can you give it another shot?



Is it just me or does it look like Bliz finally noticed a problem about 25 minutes ago, flipped a switch, and then fixed it? Like they didn’t even know West was down for hours?

Seems to be running fine now. Looks like a rollback occurred, I again have the junk unid items I had previously sold from an earlier run.

The problem was resolved for like 8 hours. Now the same issues are happening again. Been happening for 20 mins or so. Confirmed with countless people in bnet channel chats.

Seems to be working again. About 30 mins of downtime but we back.

Annnnnnd down again!!!

taking a huge time to connect… .

stays for like 2-3 min on checking versions…

I can’t connect anymore today “Please try to reconnect” - With my luck Blizzard banned me after having just bought this damn game 3 days ago. Why? To play with my buddy online. THANKS BLIZZARD!!!

Please fix - Gr33k - What the heck yall :frowning:

Hey all,

The servers appear to have stabilized. The other reports here were mostly unrelated issues, though there was one extra hiccup after the initial fix.

At this point it should be resolved. Please start a new thread if it comes back.