I can't launch my games from Launcher or shortcuts

Hi Blizzard

I can’t launch Hearthstone and the Blizzard Game Launcher doesn’t work.

The Launcher: For quite a while the big game information window part of the Laucher has been a background image for the game and then a lot of code plus a launch button for the game. Though some days ago the Laucher suddently showed the smaller news and commercial windows.

But today (third of March 2020) the Laucher asked me to restart after the first boot. When it restarted the entire game information part to the right of the game select baris filled with code and there is no launch button for the game. I also have Diablo 3 installed and it’s the same for this game. And for the rest of the games to the left - though I don’t know if they can launch or not.

When I try to start Hearthstone from a desktop shortcut nothing happens.

Kind regards