Hyperlinks in GM ticket replies include invalid characters / close parentheses

Just reporting that either some of the canned GM responses need to be reformatted to have a space between the URLs in the response and the trailing characters like close parens or periods, or the automatic hyperlink behavior needs to be adjusted to exclude those. Example:

Game Masters are not able to provide game hints, grant quest credit, or assist with in-game bugs. If you believe the issue is due to a bug, please follow the in-game steps noted below to notify our development team directly. In addition, visit our Bug Report forums to report bugs, discuss them with the community, and check the status of known issues (Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums or WoW Classic Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums).

In the preview for this topic I’m creating right now, the second hyperlink is appropriately formatted and leads to “WoW Classic Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums
But in the view on e.g. Battle.net Login
that hyperlink leads to “WoW Classic Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums).” This redirects the user to World of Warcraft Forums.
